Is The UK More Racist Than The USA?


Well-Known Member
Is the UK more Racist than the USA?

I have been noticing that it is so easy and it is frequent that people from the U.K. have no problem is posting racial posts.

Are the UK people Racists?
from my visits you got some pockets of the UK that imbrace the "skinhead" thing, but like most racists they can only get it up in numbers, so when alone they the nicest bitches you ever met.
from my visits you got some pockets of the UK that imbrace the "skinhead" thing, but like most racists they can only get it up in numbers, so when alone they the nicest bitches you ever met.

We have that in the USA. People who are nice when they get in groups then have the balls to spew.
Also, like the Communist party, White Supremacists are trained to get other Whites to carry out acts for them. The idea is that if the White person isn't a true racist or isn't pure enough they are still useful to use to cause problems.
So they get people to do stuff.. It's part of the training.
It is racism but not in the way your used to, calling someone a paki or black bastard , white trailer trash or something else over here is quite common between friends and associates and even in the workplace, of course you get the proper nasty racist skinhead etc cunts, everywhere does, and no-one likes them, but generally a lot of the "racist" stuff you see on here is general banter between mates and shouldnt be taken in the literal offensive sense and a lot of the people that say it have friends from all corners of the globe and will say it in front of them as well as away from them.

Another interesting point to note is that unlike the U.S. and other places that consistently show white/black/hispanic only ares of towns etc, the U.K. just doesnt have that and hasnt for the last 10-20 years, there are no places in the U.K. where whole housing estates/towns are all one race/creed of people, everyone has HAD to mix for the last 10years so everyone just gets on most of the time.
Well we are learning about each other.

Tea Party is the upper middle class trying to keep lower economic classes from dragging them down a class because of the demands for equality over time.
Remember at the heart of American mores is fear.

With all these guns guess what a real crises will look like in the USA.. Shocking when you think about it.

The problem with UK and USA is that for us we mix racism with guns so when it's okay to post hate speech it can inspire an American to kill someone.