is the time right

Right thanx for all the comments on my posts , now decided to go with soil my dilema is now. My cuttings have been rooting for 10 days now they seem to be doing very well so am thinking off putting them in the pots will soil and starting to use my 600w light. will my young plant be ok handling it , the light there under is weak and my grow room is cold so am hoping the interducing the 600w light will combat this problem , also when should i first interduce nutriants to my plants

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
if there still in the propergator start opening the the vents to harden them off, if they go from heavy saturation to high heat they tend to dry out and not do so well, if they're ready to go into soil pot them up and give them a good watering the nutes in the soil will hold them over for littlle while depending on pot size? when you do put the under the 600 start the light a few feet away and lower it gradually so as to avoid shock you'll see when they start stretching for the light this when you start to lower it and maybe even tie the top of the clone down to help prevent stretch and help bush them out a little or if they seem really happy jjust lower the light i haven't started clones under my lights yet but i do start my seedlings under them as soon as i pot them up usually a couple of days after they sprout hope this helps mate if not pm me i'll do my best to help out mate