Is The Risk Worth It?

well im going to be asking my mother if i can plant just one little plant in my closet, its locked sealed and ventilated. although its highly highly unlikely that i would get caught, if i did get caught what would happen?

also any ideas on what ican say to try to convince her to let me? :bigjoint: she smokes weed too and allows me to so she wont have a problem with that aspect, its just she doesnt wanna run the risk of getting caught.

(i live in michigan)


Well-Known Member
you would probably go to jail your parents would lose there house and get searched firat of property then lose your house and go to jail , and thats just not cool fuck that man you dont wanna do that shit to you and or your parents, just get legal OR if you really must grow go find a non owned property and do it there dont be so closed minded- not trying to be an ass just think a little :leaf: alot less money to do it outdoor too :peace:bongsmilie
over one plant? lol i have family members who have been busted with multiple pot plants and none of them lost there houses, and only faced little jail time. i think that losing our house and years in jail over one pot plant for a family with no criminal records is kinda extreme and unlikely.


Well-Known Member
yah well what you "think" isnt the LAW and what the LAW wants to do and WHAT THEY CAN DO if they check shit and put it in there head that its not a gd envirment and other shit was goin on they could do whatever the fuck they want so dont think just because you THINK it wont and other people have been busted that it cant and or wont happen to you i mean shit cops plant evidence and shit ? so why couldnt they fuck with your shit and make it so ?
yah well what you "think" isnt the LAW and what the LAW wants to do and WHAT THEY CAN DO if they check shit and put it in there head that its not a gd envirment and other shit was goin on they could do whatever the fuck they want so dont think just because you THINK it wont and other people have been busted that it cant and or wont happen to you i mean shit cops plant evidence and shit ? so why couldnt they fuck with your shit and make it so ?
Oh well shit I don't fucking know what you mean by "If they check shit" but fuck you're fucking thinking of an astounding law shit And cops sure as shit do plant shit on you but that shit is only the fucking crooked shit cops and shit you're not getting what i said shit.

And shit what does "And other shit was going on" mean shit I'm not dealing shit, i'm not messing with heavy shit, there is no other shit in the house, so what other shit are you shitting talking shit about Mr.Shit?

And we've tried getting legal but we keep getting denied every time.

Captain X

why is anyone giving this "shit"head ideas on how to grow in his mommies house...obviously is underage...the whole "she allows me to smoke weed" statement should have told you that. before you get you and your mother both arrested..stop while your ahead and just take your allowance money and buy you a dime bag. will also save us the time in having to read and comment on your next thread about your dying plant.


Well-Known Member
lol man im sorry if i got annoying but i mean any cop could plant something not just crooked cops you dont really know which are and arent , and by check things i mean look thru your house and property if they find something else like parphenlia etc maybe someone accidently dropped somethign u didnt know about ? just saying ...and i meant other drugs or underage , or ur mom letting you do things u should etc that sorta thing , and idk cops can make up fucked up shit sometimes just to get your ass fucked and make them up a rank
why is anyone giving this "shit"head ideas on how to grow in his mommies house...obviously is underage...the whole "she allows me to smoke weed" statement should have told you that. before you get you and your mother both arrested..stop while your ahead and just take your allowance money and buy you a dime bag. will also save us the time in having to read and comment on your next thread about your dying plant.
noRLY? we got a regular Smart-Ass here. hop off my dick son 8D


Well-Known Member
well yah ... sense you underage etc, your mom would lose the house etc cuz thats not NORMAL are you fuckn retarded ? obv. the weed or somethign fucked ur head up how do you not see the fact NO MATTER WHAT wether she lets you smoke or not its NOT her choice really if the LAW finds out YOUR and YOUR MOM are FUCKED ! and yes i realize i spelled things wrong and not trying to be a dick head but really bro ? thats common sense grow up a bit before you ask such self answered questions:peace::blsmoke:bongsmiliebongsmilie
weird because there were no cases of someone getting busted with 1 plant and losing there house. only people who ever lose there house are people who are dealing and have a bunch of plants. not to mention 90% of the time they have a criminal record. (half the time there criminal records consist of drug charges)

and oh yeah i'm really retarded. the weed fucked my head up i'm sorry, i'm really retarded.


Well-Known Member
yes i know what you mean bro but listen if you underage thats enough there the law doesnt give a FUCK if your moms letting you do shit and your under 18 there goes her ass for allowing an underage person to do illegal things with her knowing now if she DIDNT know then itd be different and she could get off with a light charge but it doesnt matter what other people get charged with bro if you werent there you dont know the full story and yeah in some extent you are if you dont understand these simple things ... but okay go ahead grow a plant and have the cops find it and then see what happens dont be all bitchy and sad when you find out everyone on here was right and tried to help after all you .... YOU came on HERE asking if it was worth it and are being closed minded only stating what YOU BELIEVE will happen well if thats the case and you wont listen to there people then why did you post its a waste of time cause OBVIOUSLY you dont care .. and by the way 1 plant ... LOL unless its a clone or feminized good luck you'll prolly get a male anyway and it would be a waste of time and if you did get busted you get busted for growing a male...LOL thatd be great ...