Is soil reusable?

depends what ur calling soil. Generally soil is a medium that contains nutrients that a plant will use up and then the soil will not be reused in the same manner. Soil-Less mediums, like coco, or peet can be re-used.
I get my promix for like 36 for the big square and they carry it for me, anyway I get like 20 or so 3 gallon trash cans or 60 one gallon pots, then just add to the garden and the dogs get the dried out stems - nothing wasted!
What a load of malarky by some of you!

Damn straight you can reuse soil! IF you ran organic! Knock out the main root ball and compost that. Most of the small roots are broken up with the soil and then the soil is re-amended with "organic" nutrients in needed amounts (if you built the soil your self, then you know that you re-amend at around 1/4 to 1/2 the amount you actually used to build the soil. That amount is basically strain dependent by the nutrient use of the strains you use it for. Or simply use 1/3 and amend feed some on the strains that want it.) One thing to remember is that P sources last longer in usable amounts in the soil the N.
My re-amending tends to be more N focused....

Now if you use synthetic nutrition...I agree with the folks above! It's easy to simply pitch and rebuy. When I went through my synthetic period. My wife took the dirt for her flower beds and island gardens. She then watered with an AACT tea and the plants bloomed wonderfully and with deep colors.
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who knows...what is sure is this subject deserves a nice poll at riu's advanced marijuana section right?
Been usin the same bail of sunshine mix #4 for over 6 years now

no idea what all the fuss is about?

Hunh. gotta ask bro. Don't you have to add some more peat back every cpl of years?

Hmm, might have answered my own question there as with organic you do. Breaks down biologic action as it ages....I know you add calcitic clay and run maybe not so much with synthetic use......I still gotta get the materials together and play with your method. It really intregues me! Need a fun project.....
Hunh. gotta ask bro. Don't you have to add some more peat back every cpl of years?

Hmm, might have answered my own question there as with organic you do. Breaks down biologic action as it ages....I know you add calcitic clay and run maybe not so much with synthetic use......I still gotta get the materials together and play with your method. It really intregues me! Need a fun project.....
Haven't yet? oh and I leaves the roots in 8)
Indoor plants get fresh dirt and outdoor plants get whatever is on the recycle pile -- which is always excellent.
All used soil goes on the recycle pile along with a scoop of lime or oyster shell, plus a scoop of Epsoma tomato tone. Root balls are sliced & diced to speed up the composting process (more air). Dead roots become humus for the next generation...
I'm on my 4th run with soil that started out as Happy Frog. I didn't have enough so I have added my own mix, which consists of peat, some leftover coco, and assorted organic amendments. Each run seems to be getting better, and I am even finding a few earthworms in my 3 gallon pots! I will be trying "no till" on the next round along with using bigger pots now that I have expanded my soil supply. I drench the soil with a light dose of spinosad prior to each run as a preventative against thrips and mites. So far, so good.
i reuse my Sunshine #4 sometimes when im lazy or out, never notice any problems, after 2 runs there are just too many roots in it so i toss it.