Is SCROG technique really working for cannabis cultivation?

yummy fur

Well-Known Member
Yes it works and it works well, but that doesn't mean you have to do it. I gave up scrogs because I prefer the flexibility of being able to move my plants around and generally have more control, plus it's not really necessary you can still grow the same quantity without a scrog. It's more of an architectural decision in a way.


Well-Known Member
If I don't scrog it, I LST the hell out of it. First pic is mother to the two in the second, and third is a different strain
Pic 1 got heavy LST
Pic 2 light LST to open her up
Pic 3 portable Scrog. Benefit of Scrogging and mobility
Pic 4 Scrog only


go go kid

Well-Known Member
yes it works, its a lot of work depending on your set up. i used to use a chicken wire frame around a 70w hps and it took ages to get all the holes filed with bud sites, but yes it can be done


Well-Known Member
Chicken wire?! That shit is too stabby for my liking. You want to look like you got mauled by a one clawed cat, chicken wire got you covered... in scratches. But I like to tinker with shit, so I made portable, Reuseable, next design will be expandable, scrogs.
Ah, the mind of an insomniac pothead.


Well-Known Member
of course it works if you can do it try it. just need to find the right hole size and then just move the buds until happy