Is Satan both the Holy Spirit and God’s wife or Asherah?

Greatest I am

Active Member
Is Satan both the Holy Spirit and God’s wife or Asherah?

In the beginning, if we follow the more common Christiandogma, we find the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit alone in the wholeuniverse.

For some reason, the Holy Spirit holds the highest rank andwe know this because we can curse both the Father and Jesus and be forgiven butwe will not be forgiven for cursing the Holy Spirit. Jesus, as man’s forgivingforce thus put’s the Holy Spirit above himself and God the Father.

As above so bellow. In my family the only one both my children and I defer to is my wife andtheir mother.

In pondering what Eden was like and why God would have donethe foolish thing of casting Satan to Eden, one can only say that that musthave somehow been God’s best move. God would not put an enemy in his garden soSatan must have been good and not evil. This is irrefutable. The only worthyhelper then for God would have been the Holy Ghost and it must then be who we knowof as Satan and if God deferred to her then she is his Asherah or wife.

In esoteric terms this also makes sense as we have to gothrough fire/Satan to reach God. Note the burning bush.
In real terms, we all know that to move the man of the houseto buy, it must first be sold, generally speaking, to the woman.

Eve had to go throughSatan/fire to reach wisdom and a moral sense that as God said was assophisticated as Gods own moral sense. That is why Adam followed so sheepishly.As Man’s guide, Satan was given the power to deceive the whole world and Godgave Satan dominion over the whole earth. A huge reward from God to Satan andthis passing on of such a great power also makes me think Satan is God’s wife.

God in Job is seen as under Satan’s control as it has Godstating that Satan moved him to do evil. Logic then says that Satan is incontrol of God. To this point, as shown, we have God deferring to Satan yetagain.

Who have men of power ever deferred to?

Only their wives or other men of power. Kings have alwaysfought for Queens, family and country.

From our human POV, we see God deferring to Satan both inpunishment of cursing and also in Eden . If both men and God defer to women asthe usual form, then Satan logically is God’s wife or Asherah.

Asherah thus rules heaven and earth and if as above so belowthen women on earth should rule over men.

There is a hymn that says of Adam’s sin that it was a happyfault and a necessary sin.
God made sure it happened by putting his best in charge ofthe earth and Eden. His wife or Asherah, Satan. God’s greatest love is Satanjust as a man’s greatest love is his wife hence the great rewards heaped ontoSatan by God.

I know that we are all conditioned to think of Satan as amean man tempting us. Please try to think of him as a her the way MichaelAngelo and the Pope did.

There can be no other logical explanation for God puttingSatan in Eden and why God rewarded Satan so nicely. God does not reward evil,he rewards good, --- and so Satan must be good and if so then his being God’swife or Asherah is quite logical.

Do you agree or do you think God rewards evil?

In Christian mythology, Satan was a fallen angel

I believe attempting to make sense of something nonsensical is nonsense, Christianity - indeed all organized religion - is faith based, and can only be understood through that lense. Having said that, asking something like "why did God place Satan in the garden of Eden?" is a question that can only be answered using Christian logic; He did it to test Eve. Any question beyond that is, and was always meant to be, heresy.
Can we ban all the nutcase religious freaks who spam the forum with asinine threads like this on a daily basis?
Satan is a construct brought from the belief of an all good God. If God is good and loving and perfect, where does evil come from? Most polytheistic gods were both good and evil. Only monotheisim exposes this false dicotomy. A truely good all powerful God could not allow the existence of evil. So he created a being that he knew would become evil, and also his greatest foe. There's no way to logically resolve this issue. Except to say God is like me playing a God Game on my PC and I like to fuck with people sometimes. Still, in that situation, I'm still the founder of evil. Maybe my friend got hold of my Sim City and decided to unleash all those catastrophes?
Satan is a construct brought from the belief of an all good God. If God is good and loving and perfect, where does evil come from? Most polytheistic gods were both good and evil. Only monotheisim exposes this false dicotomy. A truely good all powerful God could not allow the existence of evil. So he created a being that he knew would become evil, and also his greatest foe. There's no way to logically resolve this issue. Except to say God is like me playing a God Game on my PC and I like to fuck with people sometimes. Still, in that situation, I'm still the founder of evil. Maybe my friend got hold of my Sim City and decided to unleash all those catastrophes?

You basically just reworded the Epicurean riddle. :D

Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able?
Then he is not omnipotent.

Is he able, but not willing?
Then he is malevolent.

Is he both able and willing?
Then whence cometh evil?

Is he neither able nor willing?
Then why call him God?
You basically just reworded the Epicurean riddle. :D

Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able?
Then he is not omnipotent.

Is he able, but not willing?
Then he is malevolent.

Is he both able and willing?
Then whence cometh evil?

Is he neither able nor willing?
Then why call him God?

How about - why not?

Law of Correspondence

"The second concept refers to the inherent polarity of our universe, that for every state, for every force, for every concept, there is an equal and opposite complementary force/state/concept that balances and corresponds to the other."
I agree, the female character is the one who chooses the apple, lots of symbolism...

Eve sends sensation to Adam. The body sends sensation to the mind. Now we're cast out of eden. The fall is the mind ruled by sensation. (JMO)

(Eve - the sexual organs. Adam - the mind)

Who is desire? There is desire to know God, and desire to 'know' others. Getting back to eden could require the first desire. Heh...
How about - why not?

Law of Correspondence

"The second concept refers to the inherent polarity of our universe, that for every state, for every force, for every concept, there is an equal and opposite complementary force/state/concept that balances and corresponds to the other."

Why not call him god? Because (s)he doesn't exhibit any god-like qualities? Was that supposed to be a trick question, because it's not very tricky. LOL

I don't see any reason to believe the 7 hermetic laws have a grounded basis in reality.
Why not call him god? Because (s)he doesn't exhibit any god-like qualities? Was that supposed to be a trick question, because it's not very tricky. LOL

I don't see any reason to believe the 7 hermetic laws have a grounded basis in reality.

No trick, no intent to trick. Trikes were cool, though :) I'm saying 'why not?'.

How could you not agree that the universe is mental, for example?
