Is PH really necessary?


New Member
I recently found out about balancing the PH of nutrients for hydro. I have had 5 or so successful batches of plants without doing this. I am wondering if it is essential or more along the lines of an added bonus. The reason for my hesitance is that I tried it shortly after reading an article on the matter and my plants almost immediately fell victim to nutrient burn. I am sure I could experiment to find the right amount of nutrients to make it work properly but did not want to go through the process unless it has a very noticeable difference. Thanks for the help!


Well-Known Member
chances are the reason for the nutrient burn when pH adjusting is due to the pH down that is used is a fert. phosphoric acid is a fert. I suspect that people make too much out of pH adjusting. this seems to cause a lot of confusion. If you had successful grows without checking or changing pH, then I'd say you have your answer.


Well-Known Member
It depends entirely on your water. If ph necessary for you? Probably not by the sounds of it.

If I don't ph down my mix is in the high 8's after adding nutes. Not too keen on feeding that to the ladies (hydro) :bigjoint:

If use spring water I need to ph up slightly. Rainwater that has not entered my concrete storage tank is the same. Water I got from my sister (town/tap water) was perfect. Start ph 7.7, end ph 5.8 after adding nutes.

Water ain't just water I'm afraid :bigjoint:

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
In hydro you MUST keep your res at a comfortable pH zone or problems really begin.

5.8 to 6.2 is a fav of mine. Start at 5.8 and adjust it down as needed (it should rise and if it falls - start looking for root problems)

being too low is worse then too high bit neither should be allowed for any length of time.
I adjusted mine daily at lights on.