Is Obama a king?

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member

This might be something people should be concerned with....

An important story from the Associated Press today explains how the Obama administration is considering whether to extra-judicially assassinate another American citizen in contravention of the suspect’s constitutional rights to due process.

The suspect, the AP reports, is an American citizen and member of al-Qaeda, “and the Obama administration is wrestling with whether to kill him with a drone strike and how to do so legally under its new stricter targeting policy issued last year.”
Under unprecedented pressure and public scrutiny for his unchecked secret drone war, President Obama recently narrowed the scope of the targeting policy. And now, apparently, there are bureaucratic protocols (not, mind you, the Fifth Amendment) getting in the way of killing the suspect.
Those new bureaucratic protocols, however, are as dispensable as the Constitutional mandates constraining government power over the individual. AP:
The senior administration official confirmed that the Justice Department was working to build a case for the president to review and decide the man’s fate. The official said, however, the legal procedure being followed is the same as when the U.S. killed militant cleric and former Virginia resident Anwar al-Awlaki by drone in Yemen in 2011, long before the new targeted killing policy took effect.
The legal procedure followed in the government’s assassination of Anwar al-Awlaki was revealed in a Justice Department memo leaked one year ago. The memo decrees the president can order the assassination of an American citizen – without submitting evidence to a court, without any oversight from Congress, and without even making its legal reasoning available to the public - so long as at least one “informed, high-level” U.S. official declares them to be “senior operational leaders” of al-Qaeda or “an associated force.” Continued:
The official said the president could make an exception to his policy and authorize the CIA to strike on a onetime basis or authorize the Pentagon to act despite the possible objections of the country in question.
So while Obama supposedly imposed procedural limits on drone-killing U.S. citizens without due process, those are not rules he has to follow. They are not binding, just as the Fifth Amendment’s mandate that “no person shall…be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law,” is not binding. The president can do what he wants. There are no legal restraints on his actions.
What does this say about the presidency in 2014, then? Is Obama a president or a king? In a 1775 critique, John Adams described an emperor as “a despot, bound by no law or limitation but his own will; it is a stretch of tyranny beyond absolute monarchy.”
I honestly don’t know how else to describe the office of the presidency if it openly admits it is bound by no law.
Update: Statement from Hina Shamsi, director of the American Civil Liberties Union’s National Security Project:
“The government’s killing program has gone far beyond what the law permits, and it is based on secret evidence and legal interpretations. The targeted killing of an American being considered right now shows the inherent danger of a killing program based on vague and shifting legal standards, which has made it disturbingly easy for the government to operate outside the law. The fact that the government is relying so heavily on limited and apparently unreliable intelligence only heightens our concerns about a disastrous program in which people have been wrongly killed and injured. Today’s revelations come as the administration continues to fight against even basic transparency about the thousands of people who have died in this lethal program, let alone accountability for the wrongful killings of U.S. citizens.”

Where have you been? The United States became a quadrenial monarchy around the turn of this century.
Let's see.
American citizen
Goes overseas
Joins terrorist organisation and attacks US citizens
Wants protection using our constitution

Dont think so.
One thing that bothers me about Al-Awaki case is the claim that he was inciting terrorism (never practiced it, just a recruiter) and used the Ft. Hood shooter and their correspondence as evidence. But we still classify the Ft. Hood shootings as work place violence costing the surviving members serious death benefits. A little consistency would be nice.
Let's see.
American citizen
Goes overseas
Joins terrorist organisation and attacks US citizens
Wants protection using our constitution

Dont think so.

You understand what a capital crime is?

One in which the punishment is DEATH.

Did you know the 5th applies to everyone, not just citizens of the USA?

You should read it at least once, because I seriously don't think you ever have.
Bush may have operated in a lot of gray area, probably even crossed the line a time or two.

Obama, on the other hand, thinks the line does not apply to him.

When the next Republican president starts doing some of the same stuff Obama is doing, and the leftys go ape shit over it, that Republican president will simply point to precedent.

I don't think Obama will become a dictator, but I think his actions are making a future dictator possible, and to be fair, Obama's excesses are a result of Bush's.

9/11 and the Patriot Act are nice parallels to the Burning of the Reichstag and the Enabling Act.
You understand what a capital crime is?

One in which the punishment is DEATH.

Did you know the 5th applies to everyone, not just citizens of the USA?

You should read it at least once, because I seriously don't think you ever have.

Did you know a cop can shoot someone who poses a threat?
You understand what a capital crime is?

One in which the punishment is DEATH.

Did you know the 5th applies to everyone, not just citizens of the USA?

You should read it at least once, because I seriously don't think you ever have.

he's like the cheesewedge on the commercial thats 'not ready' for human consumption...

Let's see.
American citizen
Goes overseas
Joins terrorist organisation and attacks US citizens
Wants protection using our constitution

Dont think so.

Governments and persons within them declaring the limits of their own power is a poor way to ensure the continuation of freedom, Mr. Prohibitionist.

Let's see. Person in the USA declared a "domestic" terrorist because he or she has a different political view....gee THAT could never happen.
Apocalypse Now was based on a true story. The US has been eliminating 'American' enemy combatants for a long time.......
Apocalypse Now was based on a true story. The US has been eliminated 'American' enemy combatants for a long time.......

Lights out, brew in hand, a fatty of kick ass sativa, Apocalypse Now playing on a 65" Samsung with killer surround and i swear I'm living it.
Bush may have operated in a lot of gray area, probably even crossed the line a time or two.

9/11 and the Patriot Act are nice parallels to the Burning of the Reichstag and the Enabling Act.

There's your time or two. Also, NSA spying like we are recently hearing about started under Bush. So it's, at least, a time or three.
There's your time or two. Also, NSA spying like we are recently hearing about started under Bush. So it's, at least, a time or three.

All coercive governments spy. All Presidents have been part of the USA's coercive government. The technology has shifted, but the business model of, "we say" , "you do" has remained the same. Whose shit stinks the worst is a fun game, but they all wear poopy pants, some just have cooler toys.
All coercive governments spy. All Presidents have been part of the USA's coercive government. The technology has shifted, but the business model of, "we say" , "you do" has remained the same. Whose shit stinks the worst is a fun game, but they all wear poopy pants, some just have cooler toys.

While I will freely admit that our current, and all, normal governments spy on other people in power. Can you explain to me how your ideal society will repel foreign aggressors, with superior military spending and a desire to conquer more territory, without a united and cohesive defense?
There's your time or two. Also, NSA spying like we are recently hearing about started under Bush. So it's, at least, a time or three.

NSA spying on US citizens goes back 40 years. Back in the day when they didnt do it directly they would ask our allies to do it and pass the info on to us. I remember about 30 years ago them asking the big telecoms to route long distance calls out to Canada and then back into the USA so they could intercept the calls while in Canada.