Is my plant now in flower???

:hug:Hey Y'all,
I am a bit new to growing from seed, so my question being, if my plant has grown pistils, (showing female sex) has it started its flowering cycle?? It is about two foot tall and has multiple bud sites. Probaly a silly question, but I had to ask cos I am unsure...
Any help greatly appreciated
also, being in oz and most my seeds are from what I aquire around here, is there a possibility of auto genes?? only reason i ask is cos here in eastern oz (canberra) it is not yet true summer. December the third is the first day of summer and its hot untill march, so if it was sativa or indica or a hybrid it should still be in veg should it not???


Well-Known Member
if its been under around 12-14 hrs of light for 2 months it could start flowering from that. as the light cycle gets longer it will revert back to a veg state and then flower like the rest when the days start getting shorter again.