IS my plant just REALLY FUCKED UP?


Active Member
So.....My plants have been growing for about 5-6 weeks now and they are getting to be about 12" tall or so....

But a few problems:

1. They aren't really branching. The leaves are growing out all-right, but they aren't nearly as well developed as all on the plants that I have seen online. They are two branches per node which produces a set of three leaves and that's it. They haven't expanded past that.

2. They only have three leaves per set. Isn't weed supposed to have like 5+ per set of leaves. Everybody's see the five leaf design, but mine only has three.

3. They are really tall and weak. They can't hold them selves up. What do I do?

4. How do I know when they are ready to flower?



Well-Known Member
Sounds like your using the wrong lights or there just to far away, if your using floros keep 1-2inches away from your plant or they will reach for the light. Put some pics up


Active Member
I'll try and get some pics up but I don't have a camera right now....

I'll move the light down, that's probabally a good idea.

Should I wait a little longer before flowering then? They are at the fifth/sixth node right now and people are telling me that I should put them under 12/12. But I'm thinking I should wait at least a week or two before putting them under 12/12.

Either way, would I be fucked for my harvest?

Secondly, is there any way I can tell (even with a microscope) that the plant is male/female before 12/12?



Well-Known Member
once in 12/12 it will start 2 show its sex shortly after.Where did u get the plant from?seed or clone?


Well-Known Member
put a wooden dowl in the dirt and tie the plant to it
keep a fan blowing on it
as for the leaves its probly just satvia dominant nothing to woray about