Is My Plant Hermie?


Hi , i am growing auto w widow in a grow room in soil under 400w hps , it is in 40 days now . when it was 25 days old she showed female pistols , when 30 days old i thought that there were some male balls on it so i put it to my balcony . last 10 days that balls didnt grow up , i put some photo , can you please tell me are they male balls ?



Well-Known Member
The picture on the right looks like it might be 'speacially the flower on the right side but it's out of focus, no pistils is a bad sign that it is a hermie. Sometimes just picking them off is all that is required to stop any further hermies


Thank you , i ll continue feeding her in my balcony for hash . 2 plants out of 8 turn to hermie , anyway thank you very much .