Is my plant healthy?


New Member
It's about four days old, it's super green crack. The only reason I'm not sure is because at first the leaves were a lighter color and were bigger and now it is taller but the leaves are a darker green and seem to be smaller.



Well-Known Member
The first leaves you saw were its seedling leave called cotyledons, those leave will eventually fall off, the second set of leaves that your seeing are that plants first real set of leaves nothing to be worried about, do some forum reading on here next time you have a problem and you might be able to learn something new while you figure out your problem and if you still need advice then ask for it were always here for ya!


Well-Known Member
looks good so far. get them plenty of light but not too close yet if cfl then 6 inches away maybe 8 for a few days each day move them a little closer. no nutes yet day 14 or so the plant will tell you or post pics and ask.


Well-Known Member
The reason its not growing is overwatering, when the sprout surfaces you need to reduce watering. Those cubes look drenched.