Is my plant dieing plz help!!!!


Active Member
Hey guys i got a question the first two leaves that you get when the plant first sprouts the little round ones are now dieing on my plant what could be causeing this. they are turning yellow and now they are turning brown and on one of my plants the spear like leaves are starting this two what going on wit my plant is it too much lite i am on a 24 someone plz help

Bubba Kushman

Well-Known Member
Those little leaves are the first to go. Have you fertilized yet? If you have stop right away. Its too litle and the leaves will burn. Dont give any nutes till 3 weeks old. Then use a very mild solution till about 5 weeks.

Bubba Kushman

Well-Known Member
The two tiny leaves are the first to go. Thats normal. The other leaves should be fine unless you allready fertilized. If you fertilized allread you need to flush with straight ph water next time and dont give nutes till 3-4 weeks old. Then give a extra mild solution till 5-6 weeks old. Otherwise the leaves will burn. Good luck with you grow.