is my new technique working better than average?


Active Member
ok so im using this jobes drip feeder for flowering plants,

ive mixed about 2/3 of the bottle with 1.5 liters of tap water that i left over night to allow the chor. to evaporate.

anyway i have no pics yet but my seed sprouted 3 days ago and its over 1.5 inches and has 2 well defined leafs and 2 larger ones but less defined in texture.

i also used the same water on my seeds after they sprouted in a paper towel. they have all broken the soil in less than a day and are about 1/2 and inch above the surface.

i am new to growing and im not sure the rate that my plants should be growing. some are high grade that i had saved and some are mids that i just wanted to experiment on.

i had a total of 11 seeds i was working with and i have had success with 7 of them. so im really happy with my turn out so far.

pics soon but i think this stuff is working out amazingly!

what do you think?


Well-Known Member
Don't feed them any kind of nutrients until they have at least a couple pairs of fan leaves. Be stingy with the water, they don't need much while they're small. Too much will quickly cause the roots to rot.
7 for 11 isn't too bad for unknown genetics. I've seen lots of females come out of bag seed, so maybe you'll have 7 girls.:joint:


New Member
yea they dont need nutes until they are 2-3 weeks old then u can start giving it nutes very small amounts at first then increase the amount slowly