Is it true what they say about Calyx Development

Hi guys! I have a really quick question. I ran across an article that stated this:

"Pistillate flowers are borne in pairs at the nodes one on each side of the petiole behind the stipule of bracts (reduced leaves) which conceal the flowers."

My question is, if a 3 1/2 week old (on 6th node)marijuana plant has a single pod shape thingy on each node starting with the 3rd node does this automatically mean it is a female?

So if you were looking at the 4th node and you glanced to the left, you would see one pod sitting in the corner but if you look to the right you would not see one. But if you were to look at the other side of the right branch you would see one. It's like they are diagonal to each other on every node.

Does this make any sense? Is this only something female do?
And if males can do it too, do their sacks form one at a time or each time one sack is developed good it starts another one?

Thanks for the help in advance!


New Member
my silver haze started flowering a week ago but no pistils at nodes yet, but a swelling at the node for me does indicate a female as my 1st plant had this turned out to be female and 2nd one got em aswell now, i have heard males do not hav em at all, but females can also not hav em. so normal sexing required, IMO swelling at main stem and were petiole meet indicate female 90% sure
Thanks for the quick response. I just wish I knew what to make of this pod thingy. Does the position of the pods make it a female or does males do the same positioning?


Well-Known Member
this is true, the pistils do form in pairs on opposite sides of the stem. About the pod shaped thing, there's no way to tell if its a male or female preflower without pics