Is it too late?


Well-Known Member
i dont think so flowering season outdoors is about to begin u could start it indoors and leave lite on 24 hours to get a head start and then set it outdoors if possible...


Well-Known Member
after some thinking we only have a week until flowering season starts (the begining of august) if im not mistaken so u really dont have time in my opinion,,,,,hopefully someone knows somthing i dont,,,,ive necer been good with exact time i dont think of it much every year i sow out door seed at a pretty much random times but am always in time with most of my plants...


Active Member
winter can get to like 30 or below toward the middle at beggining it gets to be about 58 - 68 somewhere around there.


There should still be time for an auto flowering dwarf strain, some claim times of 8 weeks from seed. The autoflowers dont rely on a change in photoperiod to begin flowering. In fact from seed they begin to flower within a few weeks regardless of the light perod.


Active Member
i only got bagseed, not looking to grow something badass, just wanna try to grow my own bud and see if its better than what i buy off the streets.


Active Member
to be honest i just planted a couple dayz ago so i guess we kinda on the same boat but hey itz worth a try

Carolina Green Bud

Active Member
I'm getting ready to start some auto flowering seeds. Supposedly you can plant and harvest in around 60 days. I'm in North Carolina, so I've really got 90 days til the the end of October.

I'll let you know how it works out.


Well-Known Member
i think that if you have them planted/germing now that they could be sprouted by the 1st of august and have a couple sets of leaves by mid august when it should start flowering and it would be like doing a 12/12 from seed party cup style grow and you would only get like a couple of grams to 1 ounce if your lucky.

here fdd2blk says i've put clones out in august and gotten several ounces of bud off them in this thread

start em now its better than nothing