is it purple from strain or nute def? im thinkin strain!


Well-Known Member
alright im not sure if its strain or nute def. but i got the seeds out of this super fire chronic and i got 7 seeds in one year, thats how good it is. some of the bud WAS purple so it is a very good possibility that its strain. but i could be wrong. its 3 weeks old in foxfarm ocean forest soild, im doin an organic grow, i havent added any nutes yet because theyre only 3 weeks old. i will be using an organic tea for fertilizer.. i think theyre indica because of the fat leaves, but lemme know what you guys think!



Active Member
alright im not sure if its strain or nute def. but i got the seeds out of this super fire chronic and i got 7 seeds in one year, thats how good it is. some of the bud WAS purple so it is a very good possibility that its strain. but i could be wrong. its 3 weeks old in foxfarm ocean forest soild, im doin an organic grow, i havent added any nutes yet because theyre only 3 weeks old. i will be using an organic tea for fertilizer.. i think theyre indica because of the fat leaves, but lemme know what you guys think!
For a strain to turn purple it must have anthocyanins pigments in it. If your strain does not produce these pigments then it cannot turn purple.

Generally, as a plant enters its later stages, chlorophyll starts to break down, and is lost faster than it is replaced. Dropping night temperatures increases the rate at which this happens (thats why during fall, plants have so many different colors).

As this happens, the anthocyanins pigments start to become more visible, leading to blue/red/purple leaves/buds.

Your plants look indica for sure, good luck with your grow man :D


Well-Known Member
For a strain to turn purple it must have anthocyanins pigments in it. If your strain does not produce these pigments then it cannot turn purple.

Generally, as a plant enters its later stages, chlorophyll starts to break down, and is lost faster than it is replaced. Dropping night temperatures increases the rate at which this happens (thats why during fall, plants have so many different colors).

As this happens, the anthocyanins pigments start to become more visible, leading to blue/red/purple leaves/buds.

Your plants look indica for sure, good luck with your grow man :D
ya it did get chilly these past couple nights if thats what you mean why theyre purple, chillier temperatures at night


Well-Known Member
That plant seems a little young to be showing purple. I'm pretty sure when the stems and veins purple like it's called intrevenal chlorosis (sp?) usually caused by a ph imbalance.


Well-Known Member
That plant seems a little young to be showing purple. I'm pretty sure when the stems and veins purple like it's called intrevenal chlorosis (sp?) usually caused by a ph imbalance.
i thought about that too, but i havent added anything to the soil so it should be fine but its not.... its 7.6 so i guess ill just mix in a TBSP of vinegar with a gallon of distilled water?


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure the exact amount so you'll want to test it but vinegar is what you need. You want to get the ph within 5.5-6 for good nutrient availability.


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure the exact amount so you'll want to test it but vinegar is what you need. You want to get the ph within 5.5-6 for good nutrient availability.
alright it just rained alot so that might have flushed them out a lil bit, ill wait a while for the vinegar


Well-Known Member
The purple you are seeing does not look deficiency related. I believe you have a dank-ass purple indica. Good job on not overfeeding her, she looks nearly perfect.


Well-Known Member
The purple you are seeing does not look deficiency related. I believe you have a dank-ass purple indica. Good job on not overfeeding her, she looks nearly perfect.
well theres another opinion
thankyou friend
i would be + reppin but im outta rep today gotta wait till tomorrow lol


Well-Known Member
If its ph you'll definitely know soon the next sign would be ugly brown splotches. You might want to check the soil before you repot them and add some lime in needed.


Well-Known Member
ya there are spots on one of them i think its because of the rain and the sun tho, burn spots you know
but other than that im pretty sure its strain because none of the others are purple, just 2


Well-Known Member
ya there are spots on one of them i think its because of the rain and the sun tho, burn spots you know
but other than that im pretty sure its strain because none of the others are purple, just 2
Yes they will look like sun spots. That is a lack of iron, you'll end up with other nute problems like calcium and magnesium. What's going to happen is the leaf will end up dying, the stalk is gonna get discolored at the nodes and streaky. Then the whole plant is going to tank fast. It's pretty nasty shit and it sets on quick. It's a much simpler simple solve to repot them than take the risk.

More photos would help but I wouldn't take the risk myself. Just doesn't look right to me... that stalk in one picture already looks to be showing streaks.


Well-Known Member
could be anything really man.

could be genetics; colder temps during 'lights off period'; PH imbalance... could be a few things really man.

secondly, they do look Indica.. however that doesn't mean that they're 100% Indica. I'm sure its a percentage of both an Indica strain and

a Sativa strain. It just may have more Indica in it.. than it does Sativa you know?

Good luck man. When you planning on switching her over to flowering?


Well-Known Member
Could be mold, how often do you water. Are the roots white or a light brown color, if they are light brown you have mold, transplant them to bigger pots and do not water so much.


Well-Known Member
i dont think its mold, theyre not that wet usually they got left in the rain when i was at work

and also how would i fix the iron problem? i know this isnt the right thread really for nute defs.

i need to get a better pH meter and possibly check pH, right now it says 7.5 but i think its broken, need to put them in perm pots, but for now ill leave em and see what will happen. im thinkin its really strain because all the other ones seem fine

oh and btw they are outdoor, i take them inside and put them under a few floros when it gets nasty outside. thats when i took the pics. to clear any confusion


Well-Known Member
yes you dont look for purple that young. That tint you see is common in young plants and their newly forming leaves. not an indication that youll have purple a purple pheno.



Well-Known Member
yes you dont look for purple that young. That tint you see is common in young plants and their newly forming leaves. not an indication that youll have purple a purple pheno.

ya thats what i wanted to know, THE PURP HAS SINCE DISAPPEARED
thankyou all for your help
one more more question, when i replant them, is it ok to water them with organic nutrient tea instead of regular old water for their first watering the in new pot? ---not the right thread really