is it possible to veg for too long?


Well-Known Member
The girls have been vegging for 12 weeks now. I have been slacking on transplanting them outdoors.
I now worry they are going to grow to be too massive. A common newbie mistake.
They've reached a minimum height of 24inches, maximum height of 36inches (a whopping 3ft).
Surprisingly, I suspect they are indica based, despite the height that they've grown.
I think the problem is that I've started them too early and vegged them for too long?


Well-Known Member
12 weeks is fine, some of us veg our mothers, forever...
what size pots are they in now?
Quit slacking, and re-plant them...
Good Luck!


Well-Known Member
I started a little earlier than I thought I needed to and vegged mine for two months like I wanted, but they got so big I put them out last month.
They're flowering fine.:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
If they can stretch 1.5x during flowering..
Does this mean i'm looking at a 4.5 ft plant by harvest? Where am i going to put it? xP
There are at least another 2 months of veg outside before the seasons flip to fall.
If they grow another 2 feet this summer, they would be around 7 feet by fall.
I'm not interested in growing trees. :(

As for the size of pots.. I had them in 6 inch pots that contained maybe 1 liter.
They grew outstanding until i realized they were extremely root bound to the point where necrosis was setting in.
I put them in 12-15 inch pots that hold an easy 6 liters of soil and every sign of damage was reversed within days.
Since then they grew about a foot and are branching out like crazy, however i fear they may grow too big before fall :(

Sire Killem All

Well-Known Member
i read some can strech 3-4x's the size. try to train them i guess. lost my first ever outdoor grow years ago. the thing ended up 8 feet before it even went into flowering, wish i knew about trainng back then.


Well-Known Member
i read some can strech 3-4x's the size. try to train them i guess. lost my first ever outdoor grow years ago. the thing ended up 8 feet before it even went into flowering, wish i knew about trainng back then.
did you have to chop it? big outdoor plants really don't stretch once in flower. if it was 8 ft before it was even flowering it prob would have only gained a few inches more in flower


Well-Known Member
If they are Indica you really don't have worry about trees. I'd say 5' is more like it. You can veg forever, only the size of the plant is affected. Good luck


Well-Known Member
2 things:

1) Get them outside! Make sure you harden them off when you do, natural light (especially this time of year) can be a huge shock to indoor plants.

2) Last year my outdoor plant doubled from 65cm to 120cm from the start of flower to finish.