Is it possible to keep mothers this close strictly for clones?


Well-Known Member
I've got a DWC system with 6 White Russian at about 3 weeks of vegging. Each of them are sitting 8" apart above an 18 gal bucket reservoir. So far, 2 females and 1 male. One fan blowing fresh air at all times.

I strictly want to use this system to maintain the mothers and get many many clones out of them. Is this too close to produce healthy clones and what are my drawbacks? Check out the pics. Any clear info would help, thanks! :leaf:



Well-Known Member
get rid of the male. looks good to me other than that

Thanks! I guess I just wasn't too sure if overcrowding would be an issue for leaf growth as far as vegging is concerned. They're only getting bushier and bushier by the day. Like I said, this system is strictly for taking cuttings. Thanks again.