is it possible to grow outside in with a good home made shelter but cold weather


Active Member
title says it all, i wanna grow outside weather can be unpredictable, but i will have glass top and surrounded sides, so it will b enclosed, wud this work? temperatures drop to about 9 degrees at night


Well-Known Member
9 huh? I once read a thread where a dude was doing a dwc outside in a shed at 32 f or so but 9.....I dunno, at least it will turn out purple.


Well-Known Member
If you can keep it warmer then 9° in the shelter (more like above 30°) then yeah it could maybe work lol


Well-Known Member
I would say if there is an obstruction in the light {i.e tree} then no, but if the solarium {greenhouse} is in direct sunlight for most of the day and you can be certain that you can control the temp and humidity inside then I can't see why not.


Well-Known Member
imo not going to be worth it...
your going to have to do everything but the light...
heater,dehuey and fans...

might as well just go inside...


Well-Known Member
Yes. But I would use a oil heater or 2. Keep temps above 50. And use autos. But yes your taking a chance