Is it possible to do this?


Well-Known Member
basically ive brought multi purpose compost from homebase ive mixed it about 70-30 with the soil and stuff and i odnt have a ph meter. would my weed grow if i just watered it tap water ( i think ph is nuetral ) and just kept all factors consistent . i heard somewhere it doesnt like fluctuation but can adapt to certain condiitions so yeh. I dont have cash for ph stuff but if i keep everything consistent water wise will it be possible to grow marijauna?



Well-Known Member
money and where the hell do u get distilled water in england? we arent crazy like americans lol


Well-Known Member
use tap water, just fill a bottle, leave it open for 24 h, all the bad shit will evaporate. But i would check the Ph of the mix anyway...


Well-Known Member
is three any household way of checking the ph??? coz seriosly cant go and do the trekk to the nearest garden centre miles away and internet buying i cant do coz card problem. so yeh any household ways? and also is dust a big problem when growing marijauna coz im growing in my basement and theres a fair amount of dust so i set it up in a normal tent but theres still a bit of dust will it be okay? also +rep for u guys



Well-Known Member
bottled water costs alot man and all that plastic is not good for the enviroment and i believe bottled water is mineral water and that distalled water is the process of condensing evaporation pure water vapour to get clean and unmineral un solidated water. so yeh dont think its bottled water man....but i do like evian :)


Well-Known Member
bottled water costs alot man and all that plastic is not good for the enviroment and i believe bottled water is mineral water and that distalled water is the process of condensing evaporation pure water vapour to get clean and unmineral un solidated water. so yeh dont think its bottled water man....but i do like evian :)
if you know what it is then why did you ask!

and by the way... I love england... was just there like acouple years back... loved every minute of it... the country side was much better then london I thought, so peaceful and EVERY little town has a local pub where everyone knows eachother and they are all so friendly...

Very beautiful in the country sides of England too :)


Well-Known Member
if you know what it is then why did you ask!

and by the way... I love england... was just there like acouple years back... loved every minute of it... the country side was much better then london I thought, so peaceful and EVERY little town has a local pub where everyone knows eachother and they are all so friendly...

Very beautiful in the country sides of England too :)
i know what it is i said i know of know where to get it from yeh country side is cool brits are mainly friendly i live in more urban part of london though nice place a mix of people and a brilliant idian resteraunt near me ! so good for the munchies omggg....awwwwwwwww im getting so sidetracked lol erm yeh i think my water is roughly nuetral if my taste buds are tuned i think ill buy mineral water of as varied ph and do a little taste test to see where i would put my tap water lol but yeh any suggestions for measuring ph household way would be gooddd.



Well-Known Member
Idk much about England, but as far as ph I got a ph test kit used for fish aquariums for like 3 dollars and it works well.


Well-Known Member
Idk much about England, but as far as ph I got a ph test kit used for fish aquariums for like 3 dollars and it works well.
ye man thats clever theres a petshop closer to me which has fish could i get a kit there? is it one of those drop ones do u get a good amount of uses and stuff?



Well-Known Member
Yea any pet shop should have it. It jus comes with a little vile, the chemical and a color coded chart. The one I got measures from 6.0 to 7.0. U just fill it up with 5ml of your run-off and add 3 drops and there you go.


Well-Known Member
and thats the ph of ur soil!?? omg wow lol and for the ph of tap water u just get the tap water and add drops omg i cant wait lol :)


Well-Known Member
yep thats it, and if u r using tap water usually the nutes help balance the ph, and be sure to let it sit out overnight so the chemicals have time to evaporate.


Well-Known Member
hey growwwww i use b and q seed compost, i dont ph, i dont use special nutes, and use chlorine control from wilkos 2 squid a bottle and my plants do ok.


Well-Known Member
well im only using nutes for flowering miracle grow 15-30-15 my homebase multipurpose has newts in it ( not those type nutrients lol :P )so yeh have no clue what my water is like though looked on the internet doesnt say ph just loads of chemicals and numbers about ppm or someshit but whatever. lol cheers anyone know about dust? if theres a little bit of dust is it a big problem? or what?


Well-Known Member
hey growwwww i use b and q seed compost, i dont ph, i dont use special nutes, and use chlorine control from wilkos 2 squid a bottle and my plants do ok.
hey man whats wilkos? coz i saw in homebse they had some chlorine control shit but it was like 15 quid for a bottle and was a silly amount i was sure i can get it cheaper but yeh when i go to the aquariam with a tenner if i get this ph tester and chlorine it will be amazing


Well-Known Member
no problem man, got to be 1 in london , really is a big fuss made over growing,like the other guy said its only a weed.