is it possible for a male to show sex before flowering switch


Active Member
Ive been growing for 5 years now and ive never had a plant show its sex until i switch to a 12 and 12 schedule. The strain im growing is mostly sativa and i have one plant that seems to be a male but ive been running nothing but a 16 hours of light/8 hours of dark schedule. Is this possible ? Ive already topped it and its nice and bushy with fat leaves and not lenthy like the usual males. I NEED ANSWERS QUICK BEFORE I KILL THIS THING!!


Well-Known Member
pretty much the only way to tell is to flower unless they are feminized seeds. they also claim that the male plant will be taller but i would highly suggest not going off of that.


Active Member
The only things it right where i topped it and it split and around all the other branches it look as if there are little balls like the males always have...i just dont see how this could be when i haven't made it flower yet ?


Well-Known Member
The only things it right where i topped it and it split and around all the other branches it look as if there are little balls like the males always have...i just dont see how this could be when i haven't made it flower yet ?
I've had males show many times before I switched to 12/12. I never kept records but I'd say as much as 50 % of my grows. Pure Sativas were the stubborn ones.


Well-Known Member
ive had all of my plants pre sex in veg state..everyone of them will show sex if you vedge it long enough..especialy under a 1000 watt MH and yea..the male plants will show sex first..everything in last batch of 15 beans showed sex in a little over 4 weeks...there are alot of threads on here about pre sexing your plant before going to flower..


Active Member
Im no pro m8 im only on my first grow but all my plants showed sex before i flowered them and 1 that i was convinced was a male turned out to be female, mabey leave it a week to see what happens ?

Joe Camel

Well-Known Member
The only things it right where i topped it and it split and around all the other branches it look as if there are little balls like the males always have...i just dont see how this could be when i haven't made it flower yet ?
This was the first one I had to let go. EXACTLY what you are describing right after i topped and introduced 12/12

Sorry about upload image Quality.