Is it ok to switch from distilled water to spring water its all bottled.

Mr. Bob

I will make it quick please help. If I do this will it make a huge difference in my yield or stress my plants at all. DOES it really make that much of a difference.:bigjoint::leaf:
^^ as he said, make sure the ph is right and it should work but spring water might have a lot of chemicals in it. i would take some and leave it out for 3-4 days and see if it turns colors or starts to smell like sulfer (farts).

Mr. Bob

I added the nutes to the water then ph'd hopefully it works guy that my local store said it would be all gravy.


Well-Known Member
sprining water has cal... it will be fine.. most tap water is fine just check ph.. if it contains floride let it sit out 12 hrs ..

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
Doozy is right on there. If you are in soil, stop using the expensive store bought shit and use your tap water. RO or distilled have no mineral content, and thus tend to cause more deficiencies than they help. Trust me on this, MJ is a weed, and will grow just fine in ordinary tap water. And quit obsessing over pH. If your soil pH is right on, it will stay that way throughout the entire grow. The soil will change the pH of whatever goes in, not vice versa. If you water with a solution that has, say a pH of 5, the soil will raise that to whatever the pH of the soil is, hopefully as close to 6.8 as possible. You need to know the pH of the SOIL, not the run off. The water needs to be in contact with the soil for a few minutes in order for the pH to be buffered. Run off is just that, water that just ran thru and wasnt much affected by the soil buffer.
You seem a bit tense. First grow? Relax, this is not all that hard. It can be confusing, since over 75% of all the advise you'll get is BS, or partly so. This is not rocket science. It's simple Botany and Biology 101. If you can grow a fern, you can grow weed.


Well-Known Member
i use R.O. and add cal-mag ... but then my tap water comes out of the tap at 700 to 800 ppm ...... was my major malfuction when i first started out, i switched up to R.O. and all my probs have disappeared.

in my cloner i run distilled with some additives and its all good!


Well-Known Member
we are in the hydro section so keep that in mind. My tap water comes out at 200-300. First grow i did the whole let it sit out thing and everything grew fine. This time i just let it get to room temp and then dump it in. No problems. i think as long as you dont have 500ppm or above water you will be ok.


Well-Known Member
Spring water is fine. I just use my tap water and let it sit out for a day or 2. I like popping the bubbles. I've had no problems with it the last 4 or so years. But thats just me. My tap is 150ppm.