Is it ok to start seeds and clones in Ocean Forest?


Well-Known Member
ive germed all my seeds in ocean forest for the past couple years or so. 100% germ rate. no exp. with clones tho. good luck


Well-Known Member
In my personal opinion you need to add some perlite to the ocean forrest if you want to root clones.

I have actually gone to almost str8 pelite when cloning and it works better than any soil composition I have tried. You just need to remember the humidity dome (It actually helps) and to mist them at least once a day.

Still wanting to buy an auto cloner but my perlite rich formula works good enough.


Well-Known Member
I agree a humidity dome is not optional but I also find a heating pad really helps with clones. It is not absoultely necessary but it does really spead up the process.

I did not use perilite in my Foxfarm soil but my son does and it works very well for him. I find the drainage is excellent without added perilite but I can see the benefits