Is it ok to put my plants in the sun during veg???


Hey I like to give my plants natural light and fresh air sometimes during the day. I have them under CFLs in 24 houe veg. My question is whether or not thats ok for them to get two types of light..I cant imagine its gonna really hurt them but ima noob so lemme know guys. Thanks!!!!!!

Living The Dream

New Member
go for it bud. just remember that bringing your plants outside sometimes exposes them to spores and pests that they may bring back in the room with them. there are some thing you can do to reduce the chance of that happening. sunlight is ALWAYS the best light. lol.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't go full sun, because they need to be gradually harden off to withstand it. Its like being pink skinned and staying indoors for a year then all of a sudden running bareback on the beach. Your gonna get sunburned.

A safer bet is to place them out in the shade real early in the morning for 1-2 hours at a time. And if your able to do it every day, slowly up it by an hour or slowly introduce them into full slow over a five day period.

Now before you bring them back inside it's very important to screen them for pests. Bringing outside plants indoors is a real easy way to invite an infestation into your grow room. If you've been using neem oil, diatomaceous earth, or dusting them with Sevin, then chances are pests won't be a problem. But if not, remember one female spider mate can unleash hundreds of baby spider mites in a matter of days.


Thanks for the info guys that answers my question. It honestly never even crossed my mind that I could bring unwanted pests back in by accident!! thanks!!!