Is it legal to grow poppy flowers in the US?


Well-Known Member
Title says it all...a friend was telling me it is legal to grow poppy flowers (to make some opium), its just illegal to do anything but grow it or something....anyone know anything about this?


Well-Known Member
pretty sure if they find anything that could be used to make opium in the same house as the poppys they will do u for intent but pretty sure its legal to just grow


Well-Known Member
yer but anything that sugests that u would be doing it would go against u. say if u had a knife and a jar in the room they would go ok ur making opium even if they wernt for that. o plus pretty sure its just 1 type of poppy iv looked into it a bit before. wouldnt mind growing some coca aswell lol


Well-Known Member
not if everything you have is legal, youd have to have something illegal or be caught with the finished product.


Well-Known Member
it's perfectly legal just to grow poppies. i think actually taking the pods and slicing them makes it illegal. but i remember seeing just rows and rows of poppy fields out in...arizona i think? i was travelling.


Active Member
Yes. Papaver somniferum and etc can be regularly attained from local seed companies, local nurseries, or from places like ebay.......easy to go, easy to harvest. buut then its work for the processing.


Well-Known Member
i know you can buy poppy seeds from ebay friend got a whole box of them and he just makes it into tea


Well-Known Member
anyone have any good links on how to extract the opium? all ive heard really is that it oozes out and hardens and bam there is your there anymore too it?


Guess what the california state flower is my friend? the poppy

dont believe me? look it up


Active Member
Pete, thank you for commenting on Keenly's ignorance. The papaver family is huge, but again does not support all the chemical properties like the somniferum varieties do. Yes, Keenly, there is even a Blue Himalayan Poppy, Meconopsis genus. And don't ask about the properties.........I guess I am just jaded by the fact I am a horticulturalist, and i hear those statements all the time.


yea, the CALIFORNIA poppy, which has not narcotic properties whatsoever.
did i fucking say it was?

how about before you go jumping on people

you think

gee with this make me look like an arrogant asshole?

i fucking made that post to point out a fact