Is it legal to buy seeds on line?


Well-Known Member
I guess this is a ridiculous question. But I'm asking anyway. I've seen a few seed selling sites on line but have been afraid to order. Is it legal / illegal to buy seeds on line? It doesn't make sense that I would get away with it. I'm serious. Really looking for useful answers.


Active Member
No its illegal. If they do get caught in customs, they wont do anything. Just send you a letter. Cops/DEA have better things to do then bust people just for seeds lol

assuming you live in the US
you can use attitude seedbank and use their discreet delivery option but only problem is that you have to buy a t-shirt, but they always have freebies and some special offers going and the t-shirts are pretty nice :)


Well-Known Member
you can use attitude seedbank and use their discreet delivery option but only problem is that you have to buy a t-shirt, but they always have freebies and some special offers going and the t-shirts are pretty nice :)
The tshirts are getting busted left and right. It is illegal but like above stated, usually they just send you a no no letter.

In my case where I live in the states when chic did catch them they've been known to give them to the state police who then would come for a "knock n talk"

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Active Member
Personally I wouldn't use attitude. There have been lots of reports of seizures from them. Id stay away if I were you. Just my opinion.


Well-Known Member
don't go to ATTITUDE look at some reviews on here first please . we don't need to see another post my seeds got busted ! suggest herbies head shop . no t shirt at all that's why we have walmarts . but you ill get your seeds .


Well-Known Member
don't go to ATTITUDE look at some reviews on here first please . we don't need to see another post my seeds got busted ! suggest herbies head shop . no t shirt at all that's why we have walmarts . but you ill get your seeds .
I just used herbies on Feb 26. I'm still waiting

I wouldn't recommend attitude from what I've read but I did recently purchase from them only because their b day promo was huge. We'll see how well that goes!

Edit: fingers crossed for both!!

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Well-Known Member
Fuck no..barricade your doors and windows now..all these internet seed banks are being tracked by the fuzz..they are probably on their way to question you now about your browsing history...move quick and ditch your stash....