Is It Legal Federally To Sell Seeds?


Well-Known Member
I want to start a legit business selling seeds and in order to do so i will need to pay taxes to the state and federal government. Just wondering if anyone has dne the same thing and if the federal government allows this to happen.
no, it's not legal to sell seeds in the us, just go and ask marc emery about it.. if you don't know who marc emery is, he is a canadian who had a seed business where he sold seeds online, and even to us customers.. his big line was overgrow the government, and was a very big activist, and managed to get himself noticed by the us after naming himself the prince of pot and getting several interviews in some high profile us publications including i think it was wall street journal..
well, the us gvt took notice of him and gave him an opportunity to back down, which he didn't.. the us put out a warrant for his arrest, he fought extradition from canada to the us, but the canadian gvt sold him out and he now rests in a prison in the us serving out his sentence for drug distribution charges i do believe are what they got him ...
i thought the canadiens told the us to get fucked, but the dea said if you do not turn yourself in we will go after your partner and his old lady...who suffers from ms
I think most of the breeders ship from different countries to avoid the legality problem,dont ask me how they get the seeds from here to there as you would think that would be just as illegal to ship out of country as it is in.While you legally cant ship seeds ALOT of the better dispensaries are actually starting to carry some decent genetics.What a joke our MJ laws are,long live marc emery!
Marc emery begged to get arrested was overly public about his hatred for the us goverment selling seeds localy in a coop is legal in cali.
Marc emery begged to get arrested was overly public about his hatred for the us goverment selling seeds localy in a coop is legal in cali.

i completely agree... while i don't think anyone should be in jail for a plant, even less so for a fucking seed, marc was fucking begging to be locked up honestly from what i saw of him.. made him an even bigger martyr in his eyes..
I think most of the breeders ship from different countries to avoid the legality problem,dont ask me how they get the seeds from here to there as you would think that would be just as illegal to ship out of country as it is in.While you legally cant ship seeds ALOT of the better dispensaries are actually starting to carry some decent genetics.What a joke our MJ laws are,long live marc emery!

How does TGA Subcool seeds operate in our country then without being shut down and sent to prison like Marc Emery.

i'm simply wondering because i want to start business as a seed company in California, i want to pay my taxes (state and federal), and i want to know if doing that could later result in the feds coming after me even though i'm paying them taxes.
He was begging to be arrested, only if you look at it from the governments viewpoint.
If you truly believe that, then you are thinking what the government wants you to think. That he was in the wrong for what he was doing.

Marc Emery was doing what he believed was right. Making the growing of a naturally occurring plant very easily accessible to ANYONE who wanted to.
Life is not what the laws tell you it is. It is purely the choices you make.

On topic:
No it is not legal federally.

If you were to do small scale, in state sales in a medical state. You might get away with it for a while, but once you make a name, and get some nationwide recognition you will prolly be raided.
How does TGA Subcool seeds operate in our country then without being shut down and sent to prison like Marc Emery.

i'm simply wondering because i want to start business as a seed company in California, i want to pay my taxes (state and federal), and i want to know if doing that could later result in the feds coming after me even though i'm paying them taxes.

there are a couple of ways to play in the seed business in the USA, both are federally illegal
you can sell seeds to dispensaries in Cali(not sure how common this is)
or you can ship your seeds to another country where the seed business is legal
the shipping could have some level of risk
if i was going to sell seeds from the u.s. i would start a website that says you are swiss or in the dam..but you are here and mail beans from here
No its not legal you might be able to get away making money selling to compation clubs since that are some that will buy seeds off of people who make them but other then that there's always a risk when selling seeds or even giving them away.
I want to start a legit business selling seeds and in order to do so i will need to pay taxes to the state and federal government. Just wondering if anyone has dne the same thing and if the federal government allows this to happen.

Not legal. . Sure pay the taxes, just means you wont get charged for tax evasion, instead of trafficking and tax evasion.
you can start a seed business all you want but either way you'll run into problems that im not even sure i could solve.

for example.

how will you get paid? certainly you wont make a website that says, "here mail your cash to my home address" or to "a p.o. box in my name" so how do you get paid? forget paypal they will co-op with the feds but will probably freeze your account before you can withdraw anything.

the only real trouble with having a seed business is receiving the cash for your products. Sending the seeds is easy as you don't put a return address on the package so if they get confiscated then you can't be identified.

A website is also safe too as long as you have a secure way of receiving the cash without identifying yourself.

Im not sure how one would do offshore bank account possibly? but im not sure if you can set one up without proving your identity.

Thats whats always fascinated me about us seed breeders. ive always wondered how they got paid without revealing themselves somehow with a paper trail. I suppose you could get everyone to money gram or western union the cash to you but thats a daunting task as you'd continuously have to go to MG and WU offices to get money. not too practical imo besides you'd be a regular visitor and it wouldn't take long for that situation to get one paranoid.

so idk.

anyone have ideas on that? because i believe if you can receive the cash without sacrificing your identity/location then you're in the clear as theres not many other ways they can track you down.
it doesn't matter HOW in your face & confrontational marc emory was towards the BOGUS US laws that don't freakin' protect anyone but those fucking 1% who are hopefully gonna get theirs real soon when enough people wake up and start connecting the dots that EVERYTHING that screws them over in the entire world traces back to the same greedy scum that control EVERYTHING including the minds of the "stoopid". the bottom line is that the US has no more jurisdiction in fucking canada than it did when it illegally sprayed paraquat in mexico.

whoever said breeders operate outside the US was right. dr atomic & DNA genetics were originally US breeders before they went public. they knew if they tried to do it from inside the US they'd be fucked.

THIS is just one of THOUSANDS of reasons EVERYONE reading this should be on board with the occupy wall street movement. the entire reason that the 1%er media whores keep bitching about a "single demand" is to dilute the strength of the movement when there are soooooooooo many fucking ways greedy scum whose time has come hold us down and UNDERMINE democracy.

if it were put to a national vote, i have faith that at the very least, marijuana could be decriminalized. so many people have tried it and know first hand that it's harmless to flat out beneficial and many more people have at least one "stoner" relative that doesn't bother anyone. it doesn't matter when a state says fuck you to the ILLEGAL laws (protecting industries, starting with dow chemicals and it's nylon rope in WWII) that make weed illegal, the scum protecting feds refuse to allow people their pursuit of happiness.

wake the fuck up out of your go with the flow apathy people and start fucking pushing back!

many years ago when there was an MJ reform party on the ballots, i voted for them across the board for all of the low level positions they were up for only to discover, in horror, that out of literally hundreds of thousands of potential registered voters, only about 50 of us had the balls to say "legalize" and fight the corrupt system.

don't bitch about your job getting outsourced, your home getting repoed, the high cost of healthcare, having your car stolen by cops for having weed in it, your high tax rates, or any number of other issues that all tie back to big business unless you're willing to say enough is fucking enough and do something about it.

sadly, i KNOW that a lot of people reading this DON'T want to see weed legalized because then they'd lose all of that tax free money they eat steak & lobster with like my last dealer. when the people start to speak out, the government shuts 'em up to keep the sheep in line that only speak out when they feel "safe & in the majority". wake the fuck up already! take this fucking country back. land of the free my fucking ass! if more people than just natural activist types had some semblance of a fucking spine and more idiots had the ability to question authority (just the fact that anyone claims to be authority figure alone is more than enough reason to fucking question them!) then the world wouldn't be in the shithole going down the drain that it is now!

BTW, emory wasn't just a big mouth pissing the feds off, he royally stuck it to a lot of his customers to subbing schwag for buck beans. there were a lot of his customers that had no love for him, but that doesn't change the FACT that the US has no fucking business whatsoever arresting citizens of other countries in their own country. BUT, if you're an elite fucking citizen of another country living here, you can pretty much get away with fucking murder and hide behind (above the law) diplomatic immunity.

if you're not ready to stand up and take this country back, then shut the fuck up about EVERYTHING bad that happens to you because someone has more power or money than you do fucking forever! i've been trying to fight the greed based system as long as i've understood it before many in the current occupy system were even born. the shit is the way it is now because people are stupid & apathetic and let it happen eg, voting forlying sacks of shit promising that the money they hand over to the evil fucks that own everything would "trickle down". WTF?!! how stupid could you be? NEVER TRUST A MIDDLE MAN!

here's to hoping at least a few people reading this get it and really DO want to make the world a better place and slap some sense into the dozen sheep around them too.

there are a couple of ways to play in the seed business in the USA, both are federally illegal
you can sell seeds to dispensaries in Cali(not sure how common this is)
or you can ship your seeds to another country where the seed business is legal
the shipping could have some level of risk
nope! even if you have all of your legal med use paperwork, the feds are NEVER going to keep their fucking nose out of this as they have higher (no pun intended, trust me!) jurisdiction than states. why do you think they raid dispensaries? BECAUSE THEY CAN!

it isn't just about protecting industries like pharmaceuticals, alcohol, tobacco, timber, & cotton etc. that weed is kept illegal either. the laws also keep prisons full and there's profits to be made there too AND i'm very certain that much of the weed that DOES get produced in the US... all of that same old same old warehouse grown indica beasters in NY and other places actually comes from rich ass fucks in their off the books operations.

wake up people... greedy scum actively ATTACK your pursuit of happiness in every way they can because they have to keep YOU unsatisfied so they can sell you shit you don't really need thinking it will FINALLY make your life better, which can't ever happen because once it does, you start diminishing THEIR pursuit of happiness with the money they steal from you.

why do you think the hippy movement of the 60s was such a threat? because at it's core, it was about getting back to basics and nature and flying the bird at corporations and all that they destroy like the environment and the wars THEY wage like the current WARS FOR OIL to protect THEIR interest with OUR lives. you want a war for oil fucker, get your chicken shit ass out of the boardroom and on the front fucking line you worthless piece of shit!

getting high is the antithesis of greed. when i was FINALLY able to get high again last year, i actually started LOSING weight and stopped drinking beer. there's a direct threat to food & alcohol interests if enough people id that. i was also more content, so i didn't feel the need to keep buying shit that wouldn't ACTUALLY make me happy.

the bottom line is that when enough people start getting high, their feeble consciousness gets raised enough that they start questioning the status quo. it takes something more dramatic like having their house stolen from them and then having to give the fucks who stole it MORE money as way of a thank you to wake up. why do you think fux news keeps spinning the occupy movement as "stoner hippies"? they have to keep their brainwashed dittoheads from seeing the truth that comes with stimulating your grey matter. weed is a very real and scary enemy to the powers of greed and the enemies of nature.