Is it just me or is this(pics) F#@KING SHWAG?!?!?!


Well-Known Member
I am so fucking pissed off right now. My girlfriend just picked up an eighth from her friend for me, 50 dollars of my hard earned fucking money. When I spend 50 on an eighth I AT LEAST expect to get nugs. This is absolute shit, all you folks out there in Cali thank your lucky stars you don't live in the mid-west. Its absolute shwag, granted its moderately crystally shwag with no beans, but its fucking shwag none the less. Shit from the bottom of the plant that no one in their right mind would pay for. What do you guys think, my girlfriend swears its not shwag and is calling me crazy for thinking so. I beg to differ.:wall:



Active Member
Uhh,'s GOOD shwag...but yeah, you're right....and $50 an eighth? Holy %@#$, I'd expect the BEST pot I'd ever smoked in my life at that price....

But...even granting pot is way more where you nugs is very rough :-(:-(:-(


Well-Known Member
Uhh,'s GOOD shwag...but yeah, you're right....and $50 an eighth? Holy %@#$, I'd expect the BEST pot I'd ever smoked in my life at that price....

But...even granting pot is way more where you nugs is very rough :-(:-(:-(
50 is standard for an eighth of nug where I'm from, but this is NOT nug. Not in the very least... god I'm still fuming about it. I wanted my money back but my girlfriend won't do it. I'm afraid if I see the asshole that sold it to her I won't be able to prevent myself from punching him in the throat. I'm kind of fucked.

cannabis kid

New Member
50 bucks an eight is average lol dude do the math 15 dollars a gram is legit out here. 3.5 X 15 = $52.50 - 2.50 (from buying in bulk) so 50 bucks an eighth... and lol thats not even bud fool it just looks like cured leaves sprinkled with dryed triches of bud(orange hairs)

haha that must suck dude never let your girl buy your weed


Well-Known Member
there's 1 of the reason when i buy some bud I buy it, i never have anyone else buy it for me. they might "think" its good and then when they give it to u your all like "what the hell is this? BAMMER!"


Well-Known Member
50 bucks an eight is average lol dude do the math 15 dollars a gram is legit out here. 3.5 X 15 = $52.50 - 2.50 (from buying in bulk) so 50 bucks an eighth... and lol thats not even bud fool it just looks like cured leaves sprinkled with dryed triches of bud(orange hairs)

haha that must suck dude never let your girl buy your weed
Please don't call me a fool. If you think 50 dollars is a fair price for nug you're part of the problem. Doesn't anyone ever even think about how low production cost is for mary? The mark ups are fucking ridiculous. The only reason I pay it is because I have no other option.


It might not be schwag, it looks to me like you just got the bottom of the bag commonly referred to as shake. It might have been buds before, but you got the last eighth dude. Better than nothing but the dude should have given it to you for a substantial discount. I wouldn't buy from that guy again, but it doesn't sound like you have many options eh? Twist it up and blow it off.


Well-Known Member
haha right now id smoke it i aint got nothin fucker :(
Not having pot is no excuse to pay ridiculous prices like 50 an eighth for absolute shit. I can smell your desperation from here, I hope you take someone with you when you shop for cars... If you honestly wish you were me right now, I feel sorry for you.


Well-Known Member
wtf, jus looks like some shake man, chill out, haha trust me you havnt seen shwag, haha i'll show you some shwag you come down in Cali, haha


New Member
looks better than any shwagg ive ever seen.. Shwag is all we get here.. Trust me.. ITS NOT shwagg ( reggie /dirt weed etc )

its AT LEAST "Mid Grade"..


Well-Known Member
Please don't call me a fool. If you think 50 dollars is a fair price for nug you're part of the problem. Doesn't anyone ever even think about how low production cost is for mary? The mark ups are fucking ridiculous. The only reason I pay it is because I have no other option.
You can't put a price on risk and possible jailtime, well I guess they do but you also charge what the market bares. Also buy that shit yourself, you can't be pissed because you asked someone else to pick up a sack and it wasn't up to par...


New Member
50 is standard for an eighth of nug where I'm from, but this is NOT nug. Not in the very least... god I'm still fuming about it. I wanted my money back but my girlfriend won't do it. I'm afraid if I see the asshole that sold it to her I won't be able to prevent myself from punching him in the throat. I'm kind of fucked.
wow.. you are a real hothead huh? I bet you cursed her out and the whole 9 yards too huh? I can only imagine.

Its worth 50.00 IMHO..

I really wish you had seen the last bag I bought for 60.00 last week.. It was dry,"thin leaved",no stickyness at all, seeds,tasted like dog hair and gave me a headache and almost 0 buzz.. NOW THAT IS SHWAGG!!

BTW- next time buy YOUR OWN WEED.. Dont send your GF to do it for you if you dont like what she got.. But like I said, it looks all good to me.. I dont have ANY weed so just smoke it and stfu.. damn.


Well-Known Member
you did not get ripped off is called shake...and at least you did not pay for stems...people across the country are paying 65 dollars for what you have...but a lot of the people on this site have sweet hookups and get off saying you got ripped off...the bastid's....


Well-Known Member
First thing I would say is that is FAR from shwag, I know the diff....I deff wouldn't have paid 50 for it but would smoke it hell yeah. as far as how much u have paid I paid 80 for and 1/8 once took me 4 days to smoke it. had to put a small J out halfway cause I was so stoned, can't say i'd do it again tho. running price for chronic around here is about 20/g, its fuckin nuts I wont buy it. Can't wait till my shit is done!!!!


Active Member
Its worth 50.00 IMHO..
HAHAHHAHHAHAHHAHHA.'s just REALLY sad to see that people are standing behind $50 for 3.5 grams of pot! WOW, I get qp's for 500.....why the hell would you pay that much for JUST POT. God dam, go get a stronger drug if you're that desperate and cant grow you're own....Or get drunk dam....

He should be pissed for getting what he did! Good lord.....beat the woman! And before I get flamed, I'm married, so I have full right to vent...LOL Besides the wife's reading over my shoulder and hit me anyways....