Is it best to move plants at day or night?

Probably a dumb question, but I bought a bigger grow tent and was wondering is it best to move my plants during the day when the lights are supposed to be on and let them go a couple minutes without light, or at night when the lights are off. I know they are not supposed to get light at night but unsure at what stage that is. Truthfully it's my first grow and I've been exposing them to light ( from my bedroom bulb) almost everyday and I have a humidifier in the tent with a little green light on it. It's only week 5 and


Well-Known Member
Most plants grow faster in the evening and at night than they do during the day so that alone is the argument to be used to not disturb them during the night cycle unless you have to.
Thank you!! That makes sense!! I moved them this morning during the light. I don't want to risk exposing them to light at night at this point. I appreciate you taking the time to share your thoughts!