Is It Best To Flower A Little Longer For A SCROG


water change today took a chilled out week this week now find the plant looks a little yellowish and that definatley last week (and more than likely the week before) i was feeding it grow food instead of bloom! so just gave it 120ml a+ b bloom and 60 ml of big bud (30ltr water in res) so will just wait now and check every day this week, im not sure what damage this may cause the buds are developing ok just the majority of the leaves have turned brown like the end 2 weeks in flush!
just realized its friday the 13th!!


Cheese day 25 well been keeping a close eye on it managed to pull more of the bottom growth up threw a net i put over it looks a lot greener now but damage to the leaves looks permanat oh well nothing i can do now!
but still looks in good shape and still looking to pull about 15 + oz (fingers crossed) not bad considering its my 3rd grow and theres only one plant!!
ive managed to upload more photos from last friday (day 21) this was before i pulled everything possible up will take more on friday after water change!
could still do with some advice about how long to flower for especialy after doing a dumb thing like giving it grow food for 2 weeks while it was in flower would any one reckon it will need the extra week? its just so i know when to start flushing as i like to give a good 2 week flush (makes a nice clean smoke in my opinoin and previous experience)



changed water today still unsure if maybe im a week behind threw stress or not but meant to be switching from big-bud to overdrive next week for the next 2 feeds before switching to plain water i seen another product from advanced nutrients called final phase wondering weather to try it or just stick to plain water ?
well ill put some more pictures on i just took!



well another week done only going to go 8 weeks, i was wondering about an extra week flowering time. but things look good at the moment (to me anyway) well i swaped bigbud for overdrive this week as well so hopefully there will be some nice swelling over the next 3 weeks



well only 2 weeks left just started flushing today using hydrotops flush (carry on with the nutrients im using) went to change the water today was totaly empty, must keep a closer eye next time but will be getting nutrient and ph pen for next time i cant believe its doing as well as it is concidering all the mistakes and misshaps that ive done (so im thinking things can only get better from here with more effort!!)

