"Cheap glass from Asia blew my mind. When I saw a $30 bubbler from Vietnam I knew things were terribly wrong. We have to educate the public [because] they don't know about proper kiln times or techniques
billions of Chinese pipes to come through in unchecked containers
and [that] subjects the buyer to possible injury due to improper kilning and blowing
People need to see that the downstem doesn't reach to the bottom of the bubble or beaker. It goes to the middle and that doesn't work well. Another huge point is how they close off the bottom of the downstem to a small hole totally restricting the flow to the point where it hits like crap. In Asia, its not easy to get our awesome American colors because the stuff I use is expensive, around $50 a pound on average. By the time it gets to Asia, its over $80 a pound
Chinese glass just sucks, Im talking about the raw glass they make that many American glassblowers use to save money. It breaks and cracks so much easier then Schott glass from Germany. I don't buy [Asian glass] at all."-- Mongo, TheGlassDude.com
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