You are correct that you don't put in your own PWM signal straight into the fan, but modify the fans own pwm signal. How that is done is dependent it is dependent on the fan manufacturer. My oversimplified point was that, in speed controlling EC fans, we're indirectly modifying the DC voltage of the DC fan motor itself rather than the input ac voltage or voltage across an AC motor (as you would using a variac).
We've had a couple relevant threads going here:
Can anyone confirm whether 0-10v pwm is the standard for EC fan speed control? I'm in the market for an EC fan. Probably go with a Mountain Air 8in, as that's what's best available locally. It comes with a basic speed controller, but I'd like to craft up something with more flexibility. I...
Oops, wrong thread. That's ok, both threads really deal with the same principle. The AC infinity seems to be the same as the meanwell except that I do not have a ground to connect to HVG on the meanwell. With the info you provided I think I should be able to get this going without frying...