Is CO2 enough


Active Member
Supposing someone were to grow in a completely sealed room, lets say 6.5ft long, 3.5ft wide and 6.5 ft tall and temp and humidity were at a constant, would the addition of CO2 be enough to offset the lack of intake/ exhaust. The real reason plants need fresh air is they use up all the available Co2 and replace it with O2, therefore suffocating themselves in effect. Is this sound logic or is there something else I am missing?


Well-Known Member
people grow in sealed rooms with co2 in them all the time it works fine, very good for not having to worry about male pollen or bug problems


Well-Known Member
Supposing someone were to grow in a completely sealed room, lets say 6.5ft long, 3.5ft wide and 6.5 ft tall and temp and humidity were at a constant, would the addition of CO2 be enough to offset the lack of intake/ exhaust. The real reason plants need fresh air is they use up all the available Co2 and replace it with O2, therefore suffocating themselves in effect. Is this sound logic or is there something else I am missing?
If its perfect seal, the room would be seriously over pressurized.

(Was sitting on a plane chatting with the guy next to me. Plane had probs with the pressure system while still on the grond. They are typically 8psi. Looking at the window next to me, thinking its about the size of a sheet of paper. Simple quick calc resulted in about 700lbs pushing against that one window)