Is Bill Barr trying to pick a fight with Lumpy?


Well-Known Member
Screw that turd Barr. He was an enabler and piece of shit. He won't be the last scumbag trying to rewrite history to distance themselves from their association with trump the traitor. He sat by and did nothing until after trump lost the election. He would have continued to serve as AG for that treasonous administration if he had the chance.

Just because he told the truth and said that there was no widespread election fraud does not absolve him of anything. He's just another swamp rat that got drained with the rest of those buttholes.


Well-Known Member
Barr is many things but stupid isn’t one of them. I’m pretty sure he’s protected himself from any future criminal charges.

i don’t think he gives a shit about trump. He just wants to promote and sell his book.


Well-Known Member
Why not TREASON? He knowingly broke his oath of office by not inditinge Lumpy for a whole lot of shit. I will say in hs defence, Fuck BIll Barr