Is Azomite and Dolomite lime interchangable??


Well-Known Member
....and do they both supply trace elements and Cal/Mag? I understand azomite has 60 plus traces, but wondering if a guy(or gal) would want to use both....does azomite act as a buffer? answers much appreciated...


Active Member
....and do they both supply trace elements and Cal/Mag? I understand azomite has 60 plus traces, but wondering if a guy(or gal) would want to use both....does azomite act as a buffer? answers much appreciated...
Pretty sure they are NOT.

Dolomite adds the Ca and Mg you are looking for, and it also helps buffer the soil when ph flucuates (which it does naturally in organics) also it sweetens the soil a bit too.

Azomite is mainly there for the trace minerals, I am thinking you can use kelp meal as a substitute for it though.

Well-Known Member
NO! azomite: A. to Z. O.f M.inerals I.ncluding T.race E.lements. dolomite is just lime. azomite is worth far more than its weight...we're talking disproportional value for what you get! it's a MUST have.