Is alternating lights from hps to cfl safe????

Hello everyone, i've been vegging a plant of jack herer under a 600 hps light, i want to turn her into a momma and bring her to a mother room with a 275w cfl ... will this be okay??? I know plenty of people go cfl to hps no problem but is it okay in reverse for mother plants??? thanks....
so you give your car premium gas for the first few years and all of a sudden switch to 87. Whats gonna happen? your car isnt going to run as well, it will run but not as good as it can.


Well-Known Member
If your intent is to slow growth and keep the plant as a mom, yes you can.... Not sure what would be "un-safe" about it.. ;)
Yes it is serapis, and jesus no the point is i want it to be a mother with slower growth at this point, but of course if i could afford it i would have had another room with hps, i just so happened to have the cfl now for a year and don't wanna waste it ya that is the intent, keeping it as a mother