Is 68f too cold?


Active Member
When I turn my lights off for my seedlings my temp drop to 68f and rh raise to 75. Is this ok. When lights on it’s 75f n 52 rh
It’s not too cold, but growth would be faster if it were warmer at night, and RH was higher during daytime
Only time is get to 68f when lights off for 4hours would it be best to leave lights on 24 hours n what he you recommend cause I can raise it if need be
Yea those two are fine. Warmer plants grow faster. Putting a clear dome over them should increase temp a couple degrees, and increase RH, which seedlings like.
24/0 will not hurt them. People do it all the time
Just finished a grow and I went 24/0 with the lights. No problems. And ill be growing in the high 60's the next few months myself.
Thank u guys for the reply I’ll definitely leave the lights on then since I get better temps 75 to 78f n 50-55 rh. I can raise them but I Dnt want anything to mold
Also I’m about to put in mediums I just didn’t know if I should put the to slower ones in . Don’t know if late bloomer or bad seedlings plus a little scared first grow
Also I’m about to put in mediums I just didn’t know if I should put the to slower ones in . Don’t know if late bloomer or bad seedlings plus a little scared first grow

Plant them all, the runts might surprise you and catch right up to their bigger sisters....worst case scenario they dont and you bin them. No loss
Now you have a plan to increase veg growth and inhibit mold.
Most growers would flip to 12/12 after a month or more. When you do in January or February it’s going to be even colder in the tent. Plan now for adding heat at night and lowering RH. A dehumidifier will do both effectively. Bring RH to 35-40% late in flower. Go an extra day between waterings. Make her produce her own moisture!

When shopping dehumidifiers check operating temperature range - some freeze up when it’s cold.
I usually wait to flip at around 15". They will stretch quite a bit during flower, so depending on how powerful your light is, if they get to tall the light won't penetrate very far. I topped and lst'd my last one for the first time using a CMH 315 light with pretty good success. You might consider that when you get to that point.
Plant them all, the runts might surprise you and catch right up to their bigger sisters....worst case scenario they dont and you bin them. No loss
I have two seeds left I’m thinking of just planting them n see if they do better then the runts
Now you have a plan to increase veg growth and inhibit mold.
Most growers would flip to 12/12 after a month or more. When you do in January or February it’s going to be even colder in the tent. Plan now for adding heat at night and lowering RH. A dehumidifier will do both effectively. Bring RH to 35-40% late in flower. Go an extra day between waterings. Make her produce her own moisture!

When shopping dehumidifiers check operating temperature range - some freeze up when it’s cold.
Temps stays at 80f with lights on 24/7. I also have a small heater if the temps drop due to the winter