is 6 weeks into flowering too late to supercrop


Active Member
I accidently supercropped one of my plants a week into flower (fan fell on top of it) and now looking at it, it has a ridiculous amount of crystal on it (more than rest of plant). So i want to supercrop my other plants (now 6 weeks in on a plant that finishes in 8 weeks)but dont want to hermie them. I dont mind if it makes the flowering take a week longer.


Well-Known Member
Finish them out, and super crop in veg next grow. Any kind of training (lst, fim, topping, super cropping) needs to be done in veg. Its too stressful to a flowering plant especially late in flower.

Peezo lo gro

New Member
Finish them out, and super crop in veg next grow. Any kind of training (lst, fim, topping, super cropping) needs to be done in veg. Its too stressful to a flowering plant especially late in flower.

Thank you for this priceless information TheNameless!!!


Active Member
The trichs are for plant protection they are produced as plant sees fit they are there because she was injured