Is this a iron deficiency or something else? My plants suffered from nitrogen toxicity recently, but now some of the younger leaves are very light, getting darker the closer you get to the tips. Is this a problem?
I’m growing in some miracle grow fertilizer, advanced nutrients, and that’s it. I’ve used some molasses on just water days and that’s about it. I need big help lol
I think you are over thinking things and jumping to conclusions. I think the miracle grow soil has slow release ferts in it? how much of the advanced are you using? I agree with the mag. Cupping and preying shows that.
I’m not really sure what made you think you had nitro toxicity.
I really think you need to slow down. Your plants are not in need of big help. You flushed them, they are Now lacking in some nutes.
You know what the PPM is, what about the PH?
I assume this is your first grow?