Iron Deficiency Color Chart


Hey everyone, hope the community at Rollitup find this deficiency chart useful. I wrote a guide about how to fix an iron deficiency in cannabis, along with this chart and pictures.

The biggest problem of iron deficiency is that it can be tricky to identify. Growers often confuse the lack of iron to other deficiencies such as magnesium, zinc, or nitrogen.

Yet iron deficiency signs and symptoms are quite unique.

First, upper leaves will begin to lose color starting at the base of the leaf.

Then, newborn leaves will turn completely yellow or almost white due to the lack of chlorophyll.

On a late stage new shoots will be damaged and growth will slow down.

Iron deficiency spreads slow. So you have plenty of time to make the right diagnosis and provide the remedy.

But, if you let this continue leaves will turn completely white and shoots will be so damaged that they will no longer grow.

If you happen to be going through an iron deficiency, the answer is most likely in the roots. As iron is usually present in tap water and growing mediums.

First check your pH to see if you're allowing for the absorption of iron. Excess salts or nutrients (especially phosphorus) can also lead to a blockage of iron.

Any situation that messes with the root systems, such a stress, cold, over water, bad drainage, can cause an iron deficiency.

If none applies, or maybe you're using reverse osmosis or distilled water, you may need to add iron.

Fear not, cal-mag and other commonly used supplements come with a good amount of iron, so you can fix it promptly.