IOWA: Student Dies After Gay Bashing

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
A 19 year-old college student was beaten to death in Michele Bachmann's hometown of Waterloo, Iowa this weekend. Witnesses say Marcellus Richard Andrew's attackers shouted anti-gay slurs while kicking him in the head.
Officers and paramedics said they found Andrews unconscious with severe head injuries in the early morning hours Friday. Andrews, who was slated to start studying interior design at Hawkeye Community College, spent part of Thursday practicing with members of the Crusaders, a drill team sponsored by Union Missionary Baptist Church. He led the step team for the group, which was days away from competing in March Against Darkness. Night found him at Nakita Wright's home on Cottage Street. She said the problems started at about 12:45 a.m. Friday when she and Tudia Simpson, her cousin, went for a walk down the street. Andrews opted to stay behind, waiting on the enclosed porch, she said. The two women hadn't made it as far as Adams Street a block away when they heard yelling back at the house. They ran back and found a truck stopped in the street, and the occupants were taunting Andrews, calling him "faggot" and "Mercedes," a feminization of his first name, Simpson said.
The police have made no arrests, despite the fact that the attackers knew Andrews' name.

Taken from here.
OHHHHHH NOOOOOOS!! Someone got killed and its "Special" because he was gay? Or is it because it happened in Michelle Bachmann's hometown? Are they trying to insinuate that people from that area are gay bashers?
That really sucks... Senseless killing, I'm pretty close to there. Waterloo is all around a pretty rough area though.
Michelle Bachmann is part of the problem, yes. Her rhetoric and her husband's ex-gay clinic help fuel the hate and fear that causes tragedies like this. Look at that kid's life and what he contributed and compare it to the trash that killed him. Welcome to the gay world. He was trying to make a change and died for his efforts.
Michelle Bachmann is part of the problem, yes. Her rhetoric and her husband's ex-gay clinic contribute to the hate and fear that causes tragedies like this. Look at that kid's life and what he contributed and compare it to the trash that killed him. Welcome to the gay world. He was trying to make a change and died for his efforts.

I guess he should have kept his mouth shut..pun intended..lmao
A 19 year-old college student was beaten to death in Michele Bachmann's hometown of Waterloo, Iowa this weekend. Witnesses say Marcellus Richard Andrew's attackers shouted anti-gay slurs while kicking him in the head.
Officers and paramedics said they found Andrews unconscious with severe head injuries in the early morning hours Friday. Andrews, who was slated to start studying interior design at Hawkeye Community College, spent part of Thursday practicing with members of the Crusaders, a drill team sponsored by Union Missionary Baptist Church. He led the step team for the group, which was days away from competing in March Against Darkness. Night found him at Nakita Wright's home on Cottage Street. She said the problems started at about 12:45 a.m. Friday when she and Tudia Simpson, her cousin, went for a walk down the street. Andrews opted to stay behind, waiting on the enclosed porch, she said. The two women hadn't made it as far as Adams Street a block away when they heard yelling back at the house. They ran back and found a truck stopped in the street, and the occupants were taunting Andrews, calling him "faggot" and "Mercedes," a feminization of his first name, Simpson said.
The police have made no arrests, despite the fact that the attackers knew Andrews' name.

Taken from here.
Hope they catch the lowlifes who did this...Hate crimes deserve extra time
Hope they catch the lowlifes who did this...Hate crimes deserve extra time
Well they deserve extra time as long as you don't believe in the Constitution(14th Amendment;equal protection of the law) or also do not believe that people should not be treated equally as long as their thoughts are not as pure as the next persons.

Go to war and they will give you medals for your "hate".
Who really cares?

Why complain about dumb shit for no reason any minority automatically assumes the mass is picking on them. They probably are too bad deal with it!
Carne is gay and sees it as a personal affront and also as major news. Plus the "hatred" of Michelle Bachmann.
Carne is gay and sees it as a personal affront and also as major news. Plus the "hatred" of Michelle Bachmann.

The papers didn't mention Bachmann. The blogger did. Joe. Insinuating She was somehow influential in the mob doing this. Typical far left crap.
keep trolling...

Well they deserve extra time as long as you don't believe in the Constitution(14th Amendment;equal protection of the law) or also do not believe that people should not be treated equally as long as their thoughts are not as pure as the next persons.

hate crimes apply equally to everyone.

if a pack of gays beat a hetero to death while taunting them with "breeder" and the like, they would be up for hate crime just the same.

and we already try people based upon the contents of their mind at the time of the crime, it is called 'intent' and 'motive'. otherwise people could not plead insanity.

you're welcome.