

Hello all!

new to this forum, been out of the game for 3+ years..

have experience with soil, cloning and all phases of growth.. looking into starting something hydro, still trying to pick a method.. draw up plans on a room, etc...

crazy, the shit thats around now, technology at its best.. if that is the right word, evolution maybe.. I am speaking of advancements like auto-flowering seeds, wtf.. new to me..

looking forward to sharing info, any help and tips is appreciated..

happy tokin


Well-Known Member
Welcome tillbert, yea I've just been getting into the game the last couple months but have already had a bad experience with auto's.. Anywho, I'm currently growing in soil but want to switch over to DWC, there's a bunch of good info on this forum for you to get through it successfully the first time around. Good luck


Well-Known Member
I want to continue on the Auto topic.

Grew some Sour60 F3's a friend provided. No special selection I assume.

They have issues that make it a real challenge. For example I had a male that was maybe 10-12 inches tall but the two Females stayed small and actually snaked the stem to the ground. I call them "Lay Down Sally."

So I shall see. I hit the Females with Feminized pollen form a Strain I am working. and I hit the same strain with the Male sour 60

So far Autos are hard to deal with. I have one Widow Warrior that made it under 14 hour veg days when all the others went right into flower from seed. It is billed as useful in European weather. The Idea is to grow under light and set out to flower.

So One kind of Auto Flowering and another different AF strain behave differently. The key is know your strain.

I can't say that Auto Flower strains are all this or are all that but it is a different breed of Cat.

Let me flip this around. Since you are "retooling" what is it that the idea of AF does in your mind?
What do you want from an AF?
Sort of a marketing research kind of question.

I can use the input.