interracial dating


Well-Known Member
Although I do have some diversity in my ancestral ethnicity, for all practical purposes the world looks at me as a white man.

About two months ago I met a lovely young black girl and we've been chatting. We decided to spend most of the day together doing stuff.

I live in the south, but I'm in a tourist town with people from all over the eastern half of the country in large numbers. In fact out and about there are probably more people there from somewhere else, many of them places like PA NY OH AND MI.

Anyway, first time dating her, and first actual date with someone of another race.

I felt a lot of stares.

There was this one place we went to. We were put into an elevator with two young white girls who were attractive. Those two girls acted very strange.

We then went to another place and walked passed another interracial couple, a black man and white woman. The white woman probably didn't even have a clue we existed, the black guy with her was just giving me a mean stare.

There was another time when we pulled over at an overlook for a view. As we were standing there a big suv full of white people pulled in and made us feel awkward.

But I had a real good time.

But man, I might understand what some people go through a little better now.

Back to muddying the water again. Now after multiple violations of my patience. You join the list
Although I do have some diversity in my ancestral ethnicity, for all practical purposes the world looks at me as a white man.

About two months ago I met a lovely young black girl and we've been chatting. We decided to spend most of the day together doing stuff.

I live in the south, but I'm in a tourist town with people from all over the eastern half of the country in large numbers. In fact out and about there are probably more people there from somewhere else, many of them places like PA NY OH AND MI.

Anyway, first time dating her, and first actual date with someone of another race.

I felt a lot of stares.

There was this one place we went to. We were put into an elevator with two young white girls who were attractive. Those two girls acted very strange.

We then went to another place and walked passed another interracial couple, a black man and white woman. The white woman probably didn't even have a clue we existed, the black guy with her was just giving me a mean stare.

There was another time when we pulled over at an overlook for a view. As we were standing there a big suv full of white people pulled in and made us feel awkward.

But I had a real good time.

But man, I might understand what some people go through a little better now.
I think it's all in your head. As a white guy who has mostly been with non-white girls, currently committed to an asian girl, and lives waaay down south, I can confidently say that no one gives a shit what you do. You were just nervous. People stare for all sorts of reasons. Blacks guys give angry looks for free, no matter who you are. Don't overthink it. Be yourself and be happy.
was there a question? staring at you eh? maybe you just had a boog hanging or something. who cares what people think???
It's not that I care or would make the decision on if I see her again based on a handful of strange moments from other people.

I was simply reporting on my first true interracial date.
it will only last until he asks her to make made monkey love to him and chimp out on his banana
Of course I'm not going to marry this girl. If i really fell hard in love I might. Bug she would have to be super super special.

My family is so racist I couldn't bring her around without embarrassment.
Being white, I really think taking a spouse who was asian or middle eastern (non muslim or at least willing to convert), or even Hispanic would not be a big shock.

Sure, the children would look a little different than if the spouse was also white, but when mating with a black person their looks and features are strong and dominate.

I may be old fashioned but I don't think my life is entirely mine. I think it is somewhat selfish to assume that the opinion of your siblings and parents are irrelevant in your life choices.

It is the same line of reasoning why we look so poorly on suicide. Ones life is not in entirety their own, they owe something to those who love them the most.
Being white, I really think taking a spouse who was asian or middle eastern (non muslim or at least willing to convert), or even Hispanic would not be a big shock.

Sure, the children would look a little different than if the spouse was also white, but when mating with a black person their looks and features are strong and dominate.

I may be old fashioned but I don't think my life is entirely mine. I think it is somewhat selfish to assume that the opinion of your siblings and parents are irrelevant in your life choices.

It is the same line of reasoning why we look so poorly on suicide. Ones life is not in entirety their own, they owe something to those who love them the most.

Does it just suck being you?
people were looking at you because its usually fat white girls that drive pontiac sunfires with black dudes. they drive her car all day hustlin dime bags when shes at work too. haha in my town anyways.

I wouldnt doubt the black gun was looking at you, black women are up in arms about losing good black men to white women. Black woman with white guy is one you do not see too much.

I would slap some butter on her biscuit. I like me some brown sugar.