INTERPRETING WATER QUALITY DATA with respect to Sulfate (S04) listed as Sulfate (ppm)= 76ppm

Missouri Green

Active Member
while Im at it... most nitrogen is nitrate nitrogen (NO3) or Ammonium Nitrate (NH4)most phosphorus is P2O5 and most potassium is K20

but here's what really confuses me... on my Jacks part A of 321 fame the macros are 5-12-26 but to find the elemental ppm contribution you either need to do the molecular weight math or know the end result multiplication factor in this case P x .483 and K x .8269 but the N seems to require no math... why is that? has the math already been done on the N and the listing is elemental N % while P and K are not listed in elemental %s, or is it convention not to do the math on the N and simply provide the percentage weight of the Nitrate and or Ammonium Nitrate.
I notice that in Hydrobuddy for instance the P and K are entered as %P2O5 and %K2O and the program does the math for you but the Nitrogen contribution is listed in NO3 but no such %calculation takes place to determine the elemental N ppms. WHY? if its 5% NO3 then from the periodic table N=14g/mol and O=16g/mol doing the math 14/(14+(16x3)) = %elemental N or a conversion factor of .226 for N. I don't even know how to ask the question necessarily but i guess i already did.
why when in hydrobuddy does it not convert nitrate(NO3) to elemental N with a % multiplication factor when giving ppms or has the math already been done on the label for the N but not the P and K? just makes so little sense and is SO confusing.

Missouri Green

Active Member
well maybe i have an answer for myself .. judging from the label data ... it looks like they've done the math for the nitrogen compounds and all other compounds accept the P2O5 and the K2O notice the parentheses; (N) (P2O5) (K2O) (Mg) (S) ... can anyone confirm?
i will say that Hydrobuddy list everything as elemental accept the Nitrogen, or maybe its listed elementally as well notice again the parentheses.... probably meaning elemental N (from Nitrate) ..

now check this out.... adding .1g 5-12-26 to 1 litter gives this output... exactly what you would expect for 5-12-26 multiplied by conversion factor .438 and .8269 respectively ie 5-5.237-21.58. so once again it APPEARS as though nitrate is higher than 5% elemental N. meaning nirate is actaully at 1/.22 =4.5 x elemental N of 5% = 22.7% nitrate and in reverse 22.7% nitrate x .22 factor =5% elemental N. so confusing, i think i get it but do i?

Missouri Green

Active Member
but now looky here! it lists total N as 1% but then states 1% Nitrate Nitrogen(not Nitrate but Nitrate Nitrogen) ... Im guessing actual nitrate (NO3) concentration is 4.5% which makes the Nitrate nitrogen 1% and therefore the elemental N as 1% .
i think i've got it. :roll:
can anyone confirm ?


Missouri Green

Active Member
of note.... the PPMS are probably SO4, based on this information, but would be the same if it was just S
myabe i will stop chatting with myself now?