Insulation around in-line fan safe?


Well-Known Member
Easy ppl

im going to make a box for my fan to help with the noise,

managed to get MDF sheets to make a box with dense insulation that was used to soundproof a room at work…

will there be an issue with heat? is there Anything I should be aware of before I make this? Obviously a little worried as it will be in the loft.

cheers ppl.
Make it so the fan is still easily accessible for maintenance & cleanings. The fan is technically air cooled by itself as is, so I don't really see any problems with heat building up being stuffed in a box..
Just for safety sake, and these days they're really not that much more expensive, give strong consideration to EC powered fans:

This is what I use to ventilate a 4x8 connected to a 5X5, and even if the fan blades get totally occluded by debris, it will never start a fire:

its not just the vibration of the fan that makes noise its also the air moving through the duct work i would also suggest a duct muffler