Instructional video for the 1,2,3's of MDMA, does it exist?


Well-Known Member
For hypothetical purpose's, say a person whilst growing cannabis has been turned on to exploring possibilities for novelty reasons. Said person is looking into MDMA, for one of those, being the most important to the person, wishes to be able to whip this shit up like an Amsterdam pro. Is there a video out there, (note, have read many how to's, etc.) Just for shit's and giggles would be nice to watch like a cooking show with Martha Stuart. :mrgreen:

Also on said person's list is DMT, and [FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]psilcybin mushrooms. But the MDMA is at the top, even more so than cannabis (I KNOWWWW) The guy fell in love with molly ;) [/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]As per said persons morals, all substances must be relatively HARMLESS to the user, laws and money are not so much dude's motivators, more so only ingesting things said person know's everything about, how it was made, and knows that it has not been perverted, or molested in any way shape or form. Health conscious hahahaha.

Ok, bullshit aside, anyone got a link? LOL... maybe cannabis is a gateway drug, but only for people on the manufacturing end, that are curious, and hungry for knowledge.

Thanks in advance for any links, hints, or posts. I love you guys on this forum by the way. Even the 5-0, your just doing your job. But i hope some day you find a path that truly serves the people. I know why drug's are your main priority, above murder, kidnappings, rape, theft, etc. It's much easier to make drug arrests, than virtually all other arrest combined, but there are better way's to fund police departments, and services, and i hope with all my heart the world realizes this someday soon. I would like to add, that if successful the favor will be reintegrated, and a new, video released. Everyone without medical conditions that would effect mdma use in a negative or fatal way, should experience it. For me, There is nothing in this world that summons more love, compassion, energy, and just overall "Ecstasy". complete bliss. If bars sold molly water instead of alcohol, who knows, there could possibly be world peace, that starts with a huge rave.
Synthetic chemistry is far more complicated than cooking. Think of how dangerous a kitchen in and remember that it is for preparing food, not countless toxins and things that can eat your flesh.
Try growing some mushrooms.
Synthetic chemistry is far more complicated than cooking. Think of how dangerous a kitchen in and remember that it is for preparing food, not countless toxins and things that can eat your flesh.
Try growing some mushrooms.
I had planned on that anyways, but I would love to master molly. A guy i sometimes buy from is a few years younger than me, like 24 or something, and his shit is pretty damn good, and for his age, I figure It may take some time, but I'll get it down. (his method is down, he cooks) I just have to be super careful with the reactions that are potentially hazardous. Its like cooking anything else, you don't pay attention to burning toast as much as you pay attention to boiling bacon grease. Sure, I know ill end up with something, but i don't plan on stopping until its something I have personally taken and had the time of my life on...Then simply go to a place like ultra music festival with a couple hundred shoved up my ass, go to the porta potty and everyone around me, is about to be in heaven with me.I can only imagine being able to make something, that people literally have the best night of there lives on. It's just a dream you know? Could you imagine giving that to people, and not even for profit!? just to see everyone's smiles, and eyes light up like a kid on Christmas morning, that is my goal... Bliss, for everyone. maybe im delusional, but i think its an admirable goal. I could care less about the money, for me its about the good times... We have one life to live, then everyone and everything we've ever known is taken forever, he who dies with the most money, still dies. I would rather have memories and happiness. I don't understand people honestly. Sure just like everyone else, i do need money, to live, but beyond that, i could careless. The people that get into drugs with the main focus as money, will never ever feel complete. Hell, I give my weed that i grow away sure sometimes its money, but more often its just excitement... you guys probably think im nuts. lol
Well there's tons of technical info available over the clearnet. If you're serious about it take some chemistry courses at your local community college. The lab portion of organic chem will help you immensely.
Well there's tons of technical info available over the clearnet. If you're serious about it take some chemistry courses at your local community college. The lab portion of organic chem will help you immensely.
yeah already looking into signing up for at least an organic chemistry class.
I mean as a mdma user, when i watched that video which i should be attending in miami next year, (hopefully) @ 6:37, I wanted to cry... Because its true, its like the best drug to ever be made, "everyone loves you here" it's so true... mdma brings out the love, that all of us have long forgotten about, the love you experience toward everyone, before your learn how fucked up the world is, and start distrusting everyone. The love you only feel as a child. It should occur naturally for free, but because it does not. I feel like it's a mission. not sure if you understand that, but every broken soul out there, needs to find it, a good dance party, and instantly you wake up after you finnally do fall a sleep, and everything is well in the world, before you realize your back to the fucked up reality we all live in. then you just have to have faith that good people will prevail, and look forward to the next time you get to go cut loose. :)
Take a chem class,move to the country..let your friend that cooks tutor you,and spare no expense in the construction of your lab..the best dirt grows the best buds..same as a lab..dmt,you can do that on your back porch with a freezer and a hotplate...any questions id ask duck....if you're looking for a modserate headstash,I do have a process(even tho I couldn't acomplish it myself) that yeilds 14.5 grams of mdma..ill have to find it but I'm sure I'm not allowed to post it here...goodluck at school. can make pounds..but if someone don't wanna see the light,you just got a pile of powder...unless you dose em,and a rampant prankster with mdma will def go to jail..but while you're at it,take 2nd year orgganic chem,and make lsd..please!?!! can make pounds..but if someone don't wanna see the light,you just got a pile of powder...unless you dose em,and a rampant prankster with mdma will def go to jail..but while you're at it,take 2nd year orgganic chem,and make lsd..please!?!!

LMFAO! I have found a legitimate reason to further educate myself, most defiantly. My first experience on molly, 2nd, 3,rd, 4th, 5th, lol all reasons. I would never dose anyone with anything, i have always explained to everyone in my life curious towards drugs, about the ones ive used, and what i think would benefit there life. People with depression, almost NEED mdma. I'm talking ptsd from war, i was in the army at the same time as many of my friends that later deployed, i went awol because they didn't know weather to kick me out or keep me in because i have a dislocating shoulder from a motorcycle accident. so i made the decision for them and get no benefits because i didn't want to stay in tradoc for years seeking medical shit. I would have rather them just found me a non airbourne job, but it seemed to not be in the cards. I'm def going back to school, and pathetically probably just for this reason. Sometimes, ill smoke or drink or both, and just wish the whole entire world would get dosed that night, the next day there would be world peace...Although as much as i like to think that, I'm sure to a truly psychotic person, mdma might not even make them feel at ease with the world. It's disturbing to me. :/
I agree..a friend I went to school with went to the airforce for 8 years..we reunited when he showed up at my old kitchen and was working for me..he allways said how fucked up he was ect..would get to crying everytime we had drinks and got real high...I gave him some 25c and he came in 2 days later saying how it 'got some cobwebs outta my head'..he kinda perked up for awhile after that..but was still an I feel he would def. benifit frrom mdma,as well as a lot of others..lsd also...
Before you do anything, make sure you have or can positively get all of your precursors, otherwise all you will have is a bunch of knowledge and maybe a thousand dollars worth of glass and pumps and stirrers.
Before you do anything, make sure you have or can positively get all of your precursors, otherwise all you will have is a bunch of knowledge and maybe a thousand dollars worth of glass and pumps and stirrers.
yeah, gotta get the ingredients first. That is first priority.
yeah, gotta get the ingredients first. That is first priority.
do not presume .this is at all an easy task, it could take you months, or in some cases years to get everything you need, enough of what you need, and not raise any suspicions. There is a reason all of the precursors for almost any desireable drug are watched. That is why I suggest you make something that nature helps along - like mescaline.