Insecticide use.


Well-Known Member
So should I use neem oil AND protekt or will just one of them be sufficient. I don't have bugs but I figure I might as well do some preventative maintenance ya know?


Well-Known Member
Protekt for sure will benefit your plants health.

Never bothered with neem unless I thought I might need it. But I use a different preventative treatment cycle.


Well-Known Member
While prevention is always better than cure, the over use of insecticide, without any evidence of insects could work against you. Generally speaking, it has been due to the over use of pesticide/insecticide/herbicides, that resistance has become an ever challenging problem. The new school of thinking for managing pests is IPM - integrated pest management. What this means is, rather than rushing out to use chemicals, and possibly as suggested, even with no signs of pests, one uses a range of methods to manage potential outbreaks. There are a few methods, but I would be looking at Cultural practices - that is, keeping things clean, working safe and clean, not introducing anything which might cause problems etc. Biological control is also worth looking into, that is using traps/baits to lure insects to prevent them from living out their life cycle and thus stopping spread. As a good measure, yellow and blue sticky trap cards will monitor for a range of insects in a given area (specifically enclosed) and can help prevent outbreak or help to monitor infestation level. Only then would I think to start using any spray (petro-chemical or organic). Hope that helps


Well-Known Member
Regardless of the guys above may say ...I love Neem Oil, it gives great protection against all bugs and Pm also other fungi and mold attacks, I use one time per month after my monthly flush, and rarely do I have mold or insect issues, do not apply to close to harvest tho, as Neem can be an acquired taste ....

ps and its organic


Well-Known Member
Regardless of the guys above may say ...I love Neem Oil, it gives great protection against all bugs and Pm also other fungi and mold attacks, I use one time per month after my monthly flush, and rarely do I have mold or insect issues, do not apply to close to harvest tho, as Neem can be an acquired taste ....

ps and its organic
Thanks guys! :)