insect concerns ??


Active Member
im thinking about veggin a couple plants indoors tah put out in my back yard so i can start more indoors n add more n more into my backyard...but as i was preparing tha soil in my backyard i noticed that theyre were alot of black ants n shiit js reaking havick as soon as i started breaking tha soil..would they harm my plants ?? , or are they more of an allie than a foe...?, liek would they try ta chomp tha roots or tha plant itself ??...:sad::?:


Well-Known Member
ants dont bother my grow ever but there are many kinds. ive got black ants with pretty big hills next to a good spot and if anything they help keep away bad shit. ive heard bad things and good but ive never expierienced any bad.


Well-Known Member
Many ants are indirectly harmful. They herd aphids, by which I mean, they'll actually carry aphids up into your plants and harvest the resulting honeydew(aphid excretion/shit).

Aphids suck the juices from the plant(s).

Get a few Antrol stakes and place them around your garden. They take a few days, but are very effective.


Well-Known Member
do all ants herd aphids? ive heard this before but ive never had a problem the ants i have,they build small hills. i also never have problems with aphids. not doubting you one bit just wondering if there are some that dont? given that there are some 1000+ kinds of ants i guess i can answer my own question but i figure they may be the same ill take a pic sometime. we live on differant coasts aphids never seem to be a prob here for me. im lucky you get the better weather i get less bothersome mites,aphids, and powder mildew. though i do get some powdery mildew ive seen friends on the west coast with to much. id still rather have your season. peace


Active Member
ohh..wells thanks dudes..any more replies are welcomed aswell bro...but so btw,, do you know where i can get some antrol stakes just incase ??..i live in hawaii so i'd highly doubt us having that species of ants.. but then again idk, i js call'em by their color..haha. n cause most things that concern growin buds are most likely hard ta find in the stores round here..n i cant order stuff off tha internet cause i dont have a credit card... so yeaa bro, thanks anywayss. +rep