inline duct fan? is this all i need?


Active Member
I dont know for sure but your probably going to need some ducting. Like the laundry dryer ducting but probably a bit bigger. I cant really for see hooking that thing straight up to the wall but I guess you could. Plus the ducting will help create a light trap
Dont feel dumb. I can't figure out how to hook up the ducting either, and it's not the kind of thing you can call a repairman for. Hopefully someone explains because I'm stinking up the whole house and could use a carbon filter.


Active Member
Dont feel dumb. I can't figure out how to hook up the ducting either, and it's not the kind of thing you can call a repairman for. Hopefully someone explains because I'm stinking up the whole house and could use a carbon filter.
Its not rocket science. What are you trying to cool/ventilate? got a picture? Ill draw you a schematic!


Active Member
i have mine hooked up to a standerd 3pin plug works fine, depending what size you have got "lets go with 4 inch duct fan as an exampel"
is it to extract or put air in to the tent??
what you need is
1 inline fan
2 3 core wire prefebly 1.25mm-1.50mm (lenght depends were your socket is)
3 ducting hose prefebly the insulated stuff or the foil one (
4 ducting clips to secure hose to inline fan (strong tape would do but clips look tidyer)
if this is for extraction the ducting needs to make heat/air go somewere like out side
WHAT IS IT GUNNA DO EXTRACTION OR INTAKE let us know so we can help


Well-Known Member
yeah just get the kit, fan, carbon filter and ducting, may need some electric cable and plug.


New Member
you will need ducting, and if smell is an issue you'll want a carbon filter.

imo proper gaffer tape if is the best for attaching all the filter, fan and ducting together


I think youre going to find out that the fan you got wont have the power to pull air through a carbon filter, i got the same one and i wish i woulda paid the extra hundred for a vortex or dayton.


Well-Known Member
I think youre going to find out that the fan you got wont have the power to pull air through a carbon filter, i got the same one and i wish i woulda paid the extra hundred for a vortex or dayton.
make sure its not a booster fan!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
dont get a ducting fan get a can fan there the best for the monet they u cann add a air scrubber to it bro smell will get you pinched bro always odor controll before lights


Well-Known Member
don't use your fans to pull air though anything. fans work better pushing air though. sounds crazy but i tested it , its true to my dismay


Well-Known Member
carbon in carbon filters can clump up when in canisters. when this happens there is less surface area of the carbon coming in contact with the air passing through which is also RESTRICTED because of the clumping. to fix this shake it roll it even smack it around to loosen carbon up some.
So I want to vent from a grow tent, is this the only vent I will need?...and do I need anything else to make it work, like am i supposed to attach this to something else, or does it work alone? sorry if thats a dumb question but i'm lost
Depending on your budget and tent you will need:
•*1 inline fan (Canfan, Eclipse, Elisent...) - I'd go with a 6" minimum for any of the the tents out there. the one you're linking to is really only there to help keep air movement up to speed. the CFM on these drop down to almost nothing if your trying to vent a tent. You can use them to support one of the inlne fans i listed. they are used as "booster" fans. basically if you have a long duct run between your fan and the intake/exhaust end, than you can place these at specific places to help keep the air flow consistent and allow the inline fan from overworking. The listed fans are built to work hard on their own, booster fans cost less but may require a more expensive model with a higher CFM than that is needed since the CFM will drop drastically for each of the following: start venting hoods, bends in the ducting, long ducting runs and a tent. and more.

• fan controller that "IS" made for your fan. Always contact the manufacture or distributor, they can guide you to the right part to buy. Speedsters suck with the above fans. the only noise my grow makes is from the humming of the motor of my fan that is hooked up to a Speedster, yet the controller that i need runs around $200 to make it run quite.

•*minimum 2 Flange Kits (total 4 flanges) - Even if the company that makes your tent doesn't offer them, there are other brands that supply them. You'll need to cut holes in the tent so plan everything ahead of time. If your tent doesn't fit anything over 4"/5" ducting, you'll need these. 2 flanges to bring in external air with ducting, 1 to hook to the ducting venting the hood to the outside of the tent, and 1 to connect the ducting to the opposite end of the flange your using to ventilate the hood.

• min. 6" Vented hood (this will help keep your temps down
•*Balast (400-600 depending on tent size). you could go with a 1000 if your tent is big enough and you have 2 different ventilation systems. 1 for the tent and one for the light. this would require 2 more flange kits if your tent doesn't support your duct size, and fan.

• commercial carbon filter / DYI carbon filter